Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Passing of the Torch; Europe from 1500-1800

A Passing of the Torch; Europe from 1500-1800 When you step back and observe history from afar you’re missing part of the story. Observing the rise of Europe, you cannot simply take into account it happened. To understand the past you need to look into past, in documents and first-hand accounts to observe the underlining issues. To best explain the major shift in energy from the Indian Ocean Basin to the North Atlantic in 1500 to 1800 you have to observe the world and the people in context. Europe is an underdog to rise to the top.Having just experiencing the worst of the Black Death wiping out a majority of its populations, a tragedy in all senses, turned into a blessing. It sparked the scientific revolution; inspiring the Europeans to shift their views towards knowledge and discovery (Reilly, 434) . Sprinting ahead, Europe took the world by surprise. With their footing in a ‘new world’ the opportunities were endless. Exhausting their colonies at its full potenti al, with the cash crop, sugar they were able to revolutionize commerce into a representative model of modern trade.The Europeans weren’t the only ones making radical changes in the era. The Confucian Scholars were forcing Chinese to push inward and were eliminating commerce (Kristof, 551). Shifting of energy from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean; Europe gained power in the era through two main triggers, the scientific revolution and the developments of the sugar plantations in the new world. To better understand what’s happening with Europe in the 1500’s and later you need to also look back at the past and see where they have been and the events leading up to the beginning of a new era in European success and discovery.When you examine Europe today they are one of the world’s leaders, less than a thousand years ago the now prominent country was spiraling down, on the brink of demise. In the mid-fourteenth century the Bubonic Plague, also known as th e Black Death, originated somewhere in Asia and progressively spread though out Europe, the Near East and North Africa. Without doubt it became the greatest health disaster to date; mass graves were being dug to compensate for the dead. The Plague spread like wildfire wiping out an estimated one-fourth to one-third of the population (Reilly, 436).With no known source of treatment available or why the disease was spreading the Europeans turned to what they knew best, Religion. The Christian consensus was that God had bestowed the plague as a devastating judgment with the meaning of punishing the inflicted for his sins. People tried anything to avoid their seeming inevitable deaths, from walking around with incense to mask the wreaking stench of death, fleeing from their homes to find unaffiliated areas, or most commonly turning to God. The priest with the duty of serving the people, considered holy and without sin, were the main care takers of the stricken.Unsurprisingly, they too ne eded to be cared for, for they as well, contracted the disease joining their following to the death beds. We know today that the Black Death was not a punishment from god, but at the time, they had only to believe what the church told them (Reilly, 460). As priest died alongside the commoners their belief system was shattered. It was common of the time to believe what the church had told them and take it as true. For instance the church stated that the earth was the center of the universe, and it was heresy to state otherwise.With the church being proven wrong, people began to look outward for new knowledge. â€Å"Without visiting a deep ravine, one cannot understand how deep the earth is†¦ ,† just like Emperor Taizong said Europe began looking at the world to discover the truths; what is now known as the Scientific Revolution and the beginning of their restoration. Today, it is impossible to think about Modern Times and the way we live without thinking about science. We have pushed the scientific front to our limits, and now reap the benefits, from cars, phones, to healthcare. The scientific revolution truly lives up to its name.It truly was revolutionary, the standard of knowledge in the Modern world. The revolution can be traced back to Europe in a dispirit search for new understanding. Looking outward for answers from other countries such as the Muslim world and China, who already had beginnings of scientific thought, a sense of discovery and development; inspired the Europeans. In the year 1492, sailing in search of new discovery, specifically a new trade route to China, Columbus had stumbled on a seemingly endless supply of natural resources, land, and opportunity. It was called America.Entirely changing the way the ancient Greeks had depicted the world, helping enlighten the people that common knowledge was wrong (Goldstone 715-716). The Scientific Revolution and the desire to reach for new understanding that came with it pushed the European s. Now doubting all they had been taught before tested the fabrics of their society, the discovery of America was the most significant aspect of the shift of energy into the Atlantic Ocean. This was exactly what Europe needed. Now having the mass amounts of resources, to utilize the discovery they required manpower.Slaves were the perfect tool for procuring the workforces they required. Where better to look than Africa? Packed with able bodied men, the African tribes lacking in the ability to retaliate, found their freedom relinquished; crammed into unsanitary, overcrowded slave ships (Mintz, 47). Martinique, a sugar plantation located on the island Lesser Antilles located in the Caribbean Sea, is an example of where they could have landed (Martinique, 628). In the drawing, Field Gang, you can see the sugar plantation, a large field being worked by a multitude of black workers and one controlling master watching over them, the multitude of slaves.To compensate for the disparity in t he work force, the plantation owners had revolutionized the process in which they operated their plantations. Specialized tasks were given to each worker to increase efficiency. This specialization resembled the earliest forms of assembly line. However, instead of the machines we have today, they had an agro energy focus. This means that the plantations shifted toward the use of human energy over the use of machinery (In Class).Unknowingly the systems used on plantations translated directly to the factories which began to pop up in the urban cities. At the end of the Black Death, Europe was a country in chaotic state. They were looking for a change and this desire paved the way. With a lack of populous, the lords of the current system, serfdom collapsed with little to no one to work the fields. Unlike their competitors Europe moved into the cities in search of opportunity (In Class). Drawing from their experiences in the sugar plantation, and the slave trade the Europeans became the frontier in production.Springing up in the industrial cities, factories played a large part of the shifting of energy to Europe, with them, goods and services could be provided with a significantly lower cost and at more efficient rates. This without a doubt gave them an edge over the competition. With the coming times, Europe in the sense of the world scope began to break into the picture. The Transatlantic Trade, shipping of goods between Europe and its colonies, set the stage for the shift of energy to the Atlantic Ocean. Allowed access to the resources in the ‘New World’ causality benefited the colonizers with the cheapest production of desirables.It also set for a sense of manifest destiny for the country (In Class). In conclusion this marked the beginnings of modern society developing. The question of the era is why Europe? A country stricken by plague, the collapse of feudalism, and lacking in internal stability in the form of natural resources or people; happen s to be the perfect candidate. The desire for knowledge and their desire to look outward fit the bill perfectly. To make the circumstances even more perfect China lost its edge in the commerce propelling Europe ahead.David Christian writes in his essay World History in Context â€Å"One of the aims of world history is to see the history of human beings as a single, coherent story, rather than as a collection of the particular stories of different communities. † When looking at the rise of Europe as a superpower in the world, you can’t focus on the singular efforts and happenings of Europe. The rest of the world had an influence on the future. The shift in energy wasn’t only accountable to the success of Europe, notably looking at China you can see the ties between the two. For Centuries China had been a leader in commerce and trade.They assembled the largest fleet known to date consisting of over 3500 ships which had the capabilities to sail across the Pacific e nabling the most secure and cost efficient form of trade. The Merchants of this era were prospering but all good things have to come to an end. After the death of the Yongle Empire in 1424, a struggle for power out broke internally. Under suspicious circumstances the successor to the empire who was selected to rule the country died. The Confusion Scholars ceased control of the country introducing new policy and deep-rooted idealisms of their ancestors.Trying to turn the focus of the country inward by 1500 they dissembled the entire fleet, destroyed the records, and made it illegal for any ship to be constructed with more than two masts. By 1525 any ocean going ship had to be destroyed. Along with the disappearance of a great Chinese fleet the ports in India, it marked one of history’s biggest lost opportunities. Without the ability of merchants to export their goods, they fell from their former glory. To add burden to this the Scholars viewed them as â€Å"necessary evils at best† (Kristoff, 555-556).Also their country already vastly spread out over thousands of miles of land, contained almost all the necessary natural resources to self-sustain itself and found no need to search elsewhere for goods. Europe on the other hand, lacked in many natural resources, which cause the need for colonization and expansion of their limits. China’s unwillingness to become a global market, unlike Europe, hurt their chances of being at the top of the era (In Class). Instigating the shift in power during the era in question, the scientific revolution and developments made in the New World, lead to a drastic change in history.Imagine if Europe had not been affected by the Bubonic Plague. We might never have explored outwards to the Americas leaving the Native population to expand. It serves evidence to the fact that changing parts of the past would alter the future. If it wasn’t for the fact that Europe had rose to power. It is not irrational to assum e many of the discoveries made in this time would differ. We live in the world we do today, because the shift in energy brought about from the scientific revolution and the developments with the sugar plantations, lead to the passing of the torch from China to Europe.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

El Filibusterismo Essay

Thirteen years after leaving the Philippines, Crisostomo Ibarra returns as Simoun, a rich jeweler sporting a beard and blue-tinted glasses, and a confidant of the Captain-General. He cynically sides with the upper classes, encouraging them to commit abuses against the masses to encourage the latter to revolt against the oppressive Spanish colonial regime. His two reasons for instigating a revolution are at first, to rescue Marà ­a Clara from the convent and second, to get rid of ills and evils of Philippine society. His true identity is discovered by a now grown-up Basilio while visiting the grave of his mother, Sisa, as Simoun was digging near the grave site for his buried treasures. Simoun spares Basilio’s life and asks him to join in his planned revolution against the government, egging him on by bringing up the tragic misfortunes of the latter’s family. Basilio declines the offer as he still hopes that the country’s condition will improve. Basilio, at this p oint, is a graduating medical student at the Ateneo Municipal. After the death of his mother, Sisa, and the disappearance of his younger brother, Crispà ­n, Basilio heeded the advice of the dying boatman, Elà ­as, and traveled to Manila to study. Basilio was adopted by Captain Tiago after Marà ­a Clara entered the convent. Simoun, for his part, keeps in close contact with the bandit group of Kabesang Tales, a former cabeza de barangay who suffered misfortunes at the hands of the friars. He was forced to give everything he had owned to the greedy, unscrupulous Spanish friars and the Church. Before joining the bandits, Tales took Simoun’s revolver while Simoun was staying at his house for the night. As payment, Tales leaves a locket that once belonged to Marà ­a Clara. To further strengthen the revolution, Simoun has Quiroga, a Chinese man hoping to be appointed consul to the Philippines, smuggle weapons into the country using Quiroga’s bazaar as a front. Simoun wishes to attack during a stage play with all of his enemies in attendance. He, however, abruptly aborts the attack when he learns from Basilio that Marà ­a Clara had died earlier that day in the convent. A few days after the mock celebration by the stu dents, the people are agitated when disturbing posters are found displayed around the city. The authorities accuse the students present at the panciterà ­a of agitation and disturbing peace and has them arrested. Basilio, although not present at the mock celebration, is  also arrested. Captain Tiago dies after learning of the incident. But before he dies he signs a will. His will originally states that Basilio should inherit all his property but due to this forgery his property is given in parts, one to Santa Clara, one for the archbishop, one for the Pope, and one for the religious orders leaving nothing for Basilio to be inherited. Basilio is left in prison as the other students are released. Basilio is soon released with the help of Simoun. Basilio, now a changed man, and after hearing about Julà ®Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s suicide, finally joins Simoun’s revolution. Simoun then tells Basilio his plan at the wedding of Paulita Gà ³mez and Juanito, Basilio’s hunch-backed classmate. His plan was to conceal an explosive which contains nitroglycerin inside a pomegranate-st yled Kerosene lamp that Simoun will give to the newlyweds as a gift during the wedding reception. According to Simoun, the lamp will stay lighted for only 20 minutes before it flickers; if someone attempts to turn the wick, it will explode and kill everyone—important members of civil society and the Church hierarchy—inside the house. Basilio has a change of heart and attempts to warn Isagani, his friend and the former boyfriend of Paulita. Simoun leaves the reception early as planned and leaves a note behind: Initially thinking that it was simply a bad joke, Father Salvà ­ recognizes the handwriting and confirms that it was indeed Ibarra’s. As people begin to panic, the lamp flickers. Father Irene tries to turn the wick up when Isagani, due to his undying love for Paulita, bursts in the room and throws the lamp into the river, sabotaging Simoun’s plans. He escapes by diving into the river as guards chase after him. He later regrets his impulsive action because he had contradicted his own belief that he loved his nation more than Paulita and that the explosion and revolution could have fulfilled his ideals for Filipino society. Simoun, now unmasked as the perpetrator of the attempted arson and failed revolution, becomes a fugitive. Wounded and exhausted after he was shot by the pursuing Guardia Civil, he seeks shelter at the home of Father Florentino, Isagani’s uncle, and comes under the care of doctor Tiburcio de Espadaà ±a, Doà ±a Victorina’s husband, who was also hiding at the house. Simoun takes poison in order for him not to be captured alive. Before he dies, he reveals his real identity to Florentino while they exchange thoughts about the failure of his revolution and why God forsook him, when all he wanted was to avenge the people important to him that were wronged, such as Elias,  Maria Clara and his father, Don Rafael. Florentino opines that God did not forsake him and that his plans were not for the greater good but for personal gain. Simoun, finally accepting Florentino’s explanation, squeezes his hand and dies. Florentino then takes Simoun’s remaining jewels and throws them into the Pacific Ocean with the corals hoping that they would not be used by the greedy, and th at when the time came that it would be used for the greater good.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Cohn's Strategic Trade Theory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cohn's Strategic Trade Theory - Assignment Example There is a theory that describes this sought of setting called the competitive theory. As for the comparative trade theory, an example that can demonstrate the theory can be; take to countries which are both good at producing two products (Cohn, 171). For both countries, their resources are limited, and this means that they can only produce a limited number of goods. When one country increases the production of one product, the other product’s production is lowered. Each of the individual countries can produce either good, but for trade purposes, one country produces one product more efficiently while the other does the same to another product. This will lead to both trading and mutually benefiting (Comparative Advantage Theory) According to Cohn, there are certain theories that helped Japan become second to the United States. These theories provide an understanding of how Japan became successful. The theories are associated with the comparative advantage. They are; theory of production economies of scale, market power, learning by doing and the theory of externalities. According to Cohn, Japan realized the trade benefits of comparative trading (Gilpin and Jean, 78). Japan and the United States are two countries that are different.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Supporting Regulation of E-Cigarettes Term Paper

Supporting Regulation of E-Cigarettes - Term Paper Example intaining the effect of electronic cigarette smoking in the United States, in April 2014, Food and Drug Administration proposed regulations authority over electronic cigarettes that have risen in its use. The regulation will see consumption of Electronic cigarettes not being allowed on any public sites including over one hundred cities and in many organizations (Mowry et al, 2012). This policy has several effects on ethics as discussed below. As argued by Carter and Chapman (2006), control of use electronic cigarettes on public places (any place not below twenty meters from person next to you) aims at protecting non-smokers from the health effects that come from release of infective chemicals released after tobacco combustion. In this case, it is ethics to protect the passive party from harm that may be caused by the infective chemical exposed to the environment by the smoker. As presented by Fuoco Buonanno and Vigo (2014), Electronic cigarettes battery powered gadget produces an aerosol vapors composed of nicotine, glycoland propylene. Possibility of nicotine exposure considering Electronic cigarette gadget holding, inhaling the smoke produced, any skin contact when handling the Electronic cigarette device are the major health issues associated with electronic cigarette. This effect get worse in paces associated with children’s pregnant women’s as well as nursing mothers. It un-ethical to disrupt other people’s environment as it causes body problems. The burn of electronic cigarettes in public upholds ethics by controlling the risk that could have been imposed on passive smokers. The stakeholders in manufacturing argues that the vapor produced by powered electronic cigarettes device is water vapor but the responsible health group disagrees with this claims. The vapor produced by electronic cigarette gadget contain of nicotine, glycol and propylene (Richtel, 2014) which are harmful to consumer as well as to passive smokers. Publishing such a misleading

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Argument - Essay Example Virtue ethics states that we should be good for the sake of being good which could sometimes be impractical in modern world because others would tend to take advantage if we are too good all the time. Utilitarianism will balance it because utilitarian ethics seeks to practice ethics only when it is beneficial. Utilitarianism left on its own is also not good because it could lead to selfishness as it only concerns with itself. Being good and finding its good use will surely make a good pair of ethics. Moreover when we add deontological ethics to utilitarianism and virtue ethics we would become duty bound to follow sound ethical guidelines in our lives. Deontological ethics states that we should determine our duties and obligations and follow them. If we are able to create a set of ethics that is a combination of utilitarianism and virtue ethics, that is, good ethics that is grounded on reality, and make it a set of rules in this world, then there is a good chance that we will be following a set of ethical guidelines that is grounded on the reality of the

Performance Management in Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Performance Management in Organisations - Essay Example The paper offers a thorough analysis of the performance management system (PMS). It provides the information about vital components of the PMS, namely, its objectives, stages of development, setting of company goals and standards, working on performance appraisal, communication, and training. The author proves that an effective performance management system enables an organisation to set targets, monitor implementation, and evaluate the performance of its employees. It provides a platform to the management for communicating with employees in order to evolve ways and means to increase productivity and efficiency of the organization as a whole. The research shows that a successful PMS facilitates an effective dialogue between employee and supervisor to enhance individual performance. In particular, it gives managers and supervisors opportunities for giving positive reinforcement to employees. In order to be effective and acceptable, performance appraisals should be fair, open, and posi tive with developmental objectives. The unique part of the work is that the notion of the PMS is studied not only theoretically, but also through the comparison of the PMSs of two institutions,a state secondary school and a haulage firm. The author creates performance appraisal sheets for measuring teachers' and managerial work. Appraisal parameters of teachers' performance are academic knowledge and communication skills, ability to prepare lesson plans and to deliver them. Appraisal parameters of managerial work are managerial, operational, administrative, and decision-making skills.

Friday, July 26, 2019

What Inspired Edward Munch to draw The Scream Essay

What Inspired Edward Munch to draw The Scream - Essay Example He is quoted as saying â€Å"I was walking along the road with two friends—then the Sun sets—all at once the sky became blood red—and I felt overcome with melancholy. I stood still and leaned against the railing, dead tired—clouds like blood and tongues of fire hung above the blue-black fjord and the city. My friends went on, and I stood alone, trembling with anxiety. I felt a great, unending scream piercing through nature† (Olson and Doescher Web) Various factors can be attributed as having played a major role in inspiring Edward Munch to draw the picture. We can derive some hints from the set-up of the picture. One of the major sources of his anxiety was the economic condition that existed during that time. At that time there was an economic crisis, which led to a lot of misery to the people. This means that peoples businesses were deteriorating in performance and the unemployment rate was very high. At a personal level, Edward Munch was undergoin g through this condition in addition to the harsh condition from the separating with his longtime girlfriend. This led to stress, depression, and later anxiety (Messer and Munch 7). Another source of inspiration can be drawn from the seasons in which the picture was drawn. While taking into consideration the time that the picture was drawn, and its contents, we can learn that this picture was drawn during the sunsets of an autumn season, shortly before the fall. Moreover, the screams can be related to the Awu eruption of June 7, 1892. It was the eruption that gave the skies the red background color that is reflected the scream (Bischoff 10). Moreover, we can derive some of the inspirations from Edward Munch’s stay in Nice, France, between 1891 and 1895. It was at this time that Edward Munch explicitly discussed art with his friend basing their art discussion on previous works of other painters. Munch himself mentions that the year 1884 was the year of original inspiration for three paintings. One of the main events that occurred during that period was the Bohemian days of the 1880s. Munch as an artist and writer, was greatly involved in the activities of the bohemian community. He was involved in sharing a studio with Christiania, and six other young artists related to the Bohemian community. During this event, he exhibited his drawings for the first time in a wildly confrontational Christiania debut of Henrik Ibsen's play,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Ghosts†, on October 17, 1883. The play gave an insight of the activities carried out by the Bohemian community comprising dishonesty, lack of a free life, and hypocrisy. This drawing was painted in a time when sky watchers had an eventful season. Moreover, the period between the end of 1883 and the first months of 1884, had the most remarkable nightfall’s for the past 150 years. A different source of inspiration can be drawn from the eruption of the volcanic island of Krakatoa in a catastrophic explosion on Aug ust 27, 1883, which sent dust and poisonous gases into the air. Consequently, there were magnificent and fiery sunsets and sunrises mostly in the southern hemisphere and later in the equator. The fiery sunsets and sunrises later spread to the northern latitudes instilling fear in most of the people in the affected region (Olson and Doescher Web). Another source of the inspiration can be drawn from the dark lunar eclipse on December 10, 1992. This eclipse happened in a time when there were many optical effects on the sky during the night. This contributed greatly to instilling fear among the people who lived in the region. Moreover, the lunar eclipse was followed by the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines. The eruptions in this mountain contributed to a lot

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Planning and Organizing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Planning and Organizing - Assignment Example They also operate a mailing service, in which they offer product design, mailing list compilation, and actual mailing of materials. The firm recently began to market a line of apparel customized for industrial firms with printed company and personal identification. Planning Planning is considered as the central function of the management and pervades every action which a manger performs. The planning function tends to involve defining and setting goals and how to achieve them and integrate and coordinate them to reach the set goal (Sims, 9). Based on the information of the printing firm, the objective and goal of the firm would be to expand its business through its diversification strategy and aims to increase its turnover and enhance the organizational structure. Therefore to analyze the firm’s present and future situation, SWOT analyze a strategic planning method used to analyze the strength, weakness, opportunity and threats of the firm (Ferrel and Hartline, 122). Strength: The printing firm has a relevant experience of about 50years adding it to the list of strengths. The firm has adopted the diversification strategy both related field ad unrelated field seeking to achieve a competitive advantage. Adopted the low cost strategy which has resulted in profits for the firm The staff constitute of family members reducing the chance of fraud Sales is high and has a gross operating margin of 40% Weakness High competition with the direct sellers resulting in limited markup and volume the firm has been experiencing loss for the past 2 years, volume reduced to $3million from $5million The firm do not provide training programs to its staff Basic structural pattern is one of non cooperation and mistrust among employees and management Opportunity Mailing service has growth opportunity in the market and can be prime source of revenue and profit expansion in different market and products provide a better organization structure leading to motivation and efficient wo rking provide training programs Threats Competition in various field like printing, apparels, mailing from big firms Conflict in the organization Depressed economic climate Therefore based on the SWOT analyses it can be said that the firm aims to be among the top most printing firms in Baltimore and with its diversification strategy can capture the market share in respective market with its new and improved products. The firm to encourage effective and efficient work should provide training programs so that they are able to handle the work more sincerely and with more dedication. It has a growth opportunity in mailing serve and if utilize properly it has the potential to increase its revenue and create a brand name in the sector. The firm should use its strength to overcome its weakness and use the opportunity so to overcome the threats. Organizing The printing press constitute of 35 employees which includes family members also. The president do not provides the authority to take an y decisions to the vice president as he is not sure about their ability as well knowledge although they tend to have 5years of experience. The President can be said to have adopted the autocratic leadership style as he centralizes power and decision making and take the full responsibility and authority (Mehrotra, 7). Therefore based on the leadership style it can be said th

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Biographyinterview of Lesbian or bisexual or queer woman, or Essay

Biographyinterview of Lesbian or bisexual or queer woman, or trasgender individual - Essay Example I have recently shifted to Holland for pursuing my postgraduate diploma in women empowerment at Mastricht University Holland. Aisha. Up to the age of 16 years I did not know much about my sexuality. My mother had told me only one story about my sexuality. When I was just a few months old my father wanted to have my circumcision. Aisha. Yes. But in Africa some families go for the female circumcisions also. They want to curb the sexual desire of girls by doing that. I don't clearly remember how was I saved from the circumcision. But I really hated that idea. Aisha. My mother put me in a female hostel during my late two years i.e. 1983-1984 in high school. I had to live with a single senior girl Sumaira who stated sharing bed with me. She took a lot care about me and I felt she fell in love with me. I became found of her in a few days. I remember after week or so we used to rush in the evening for bed and locked our room from inside. First time she unclothed herself before and took me in her arms. This was an unusual and fascinating experience for me. She kissed me and pampered me all over my body. I felt my self in havens. It took me only minutes to unclothe myself and did every thing for her, she asked me. I clearly remember my first experience with sex when I slept so deep that next morning I was very fresh and happy. Only a women knows, I believe, what a sex of a woman is. Then this thing became a regular habit till she left for another college and left me thirsty for a while. But within a month I came to know that there were a few o ther who used to enjoy this in groups, I joined them. X. Then what happened to you after high school Aisha. I joined the university and I always asked my self-different question on my sexuality. Why is homosexuality considered so bad in our society Why does our society reject it at the outset And why social stigmas attached with it X. How and what did you find the answers Aisha. I joined a counseling class in gender studies. Our teacher who was a Nigerian scholar was herself a divorcee and a staunch liberal feminist. She explained that the men dominate heterosexual society. Man is inherently cruel and macho. He always looks at the woman as a commodity and considers woman as an object of enjoyment. So the homosexual women live within themselves. They don't need man either. The social stigmas associated with lesbianism, are all man made. They need to defend their arena of enjoyment. Women need to be empowered at every level. Woman needs to be emancipated in society. X. Then why and how you decided to lesbianism as a choice for sex. Aisha. Linda, an elegant blond, blued eyed Dutch girl met with me at a seminar. We had some chat at sex issues. I don't know. Really I don't know. But she changed my life. I am sure, we too humans were seeking each other from havens. I fell in love with her. She romanticized this relation. This is all because of her. I did my master from Holland. I joined Oxfam. I am feminist. Today we live together. I am proud of her. She told me the real love in my life. X. What are

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Discussion question week 11 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion question week 11 - Assignment Example Meeting this competency can be a challenge though not impossible. The use of knowledge of legal and ethical issues that is relevant to higher education and nursing education. It came in handy a basis for making decisions when implementing policies and procedures related to students faculty and the educational environment. The feedback from colleagues, peers, patients and administrative evaluation came in handy as far as improving role effectiveness is concerned. Open-mindedness is the key to improving individual and personal performance, and the educator role is no exception. Facing the audience with an open came in handy during my practicum. Though the fact that I had to face criticism from my audience that came as a shock. I expected reception and obedience from them. For an educator to accomplish their aims, one needs to gain their trust, and this takes a while. Practicum didn’t give me enough time. Therefore given another chance as an educator, I will maintain contact with my audience for a longer time and even follow up on their response to the knowledge they acquire. Giving attention to whether the information is relevant and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Corruption in India Essay Example for Free

Corruption in India Essay CORRUPTION ï‚ §Corruption is defined as the misuse of any power of public consequence for private gain. ï‚ §Corruption is not something new, as per Arthasastra of Kautilya ( around 3rd century B.C) : â€Å"Just as it is impossible not to taste the honey(or the poison) that finds itself at the tip of the tongue, so it is impossible for a government servant not to eat up, atleast, a bit of the king’s revenue.† â€Å"Just as fish moving under water cannot possibly be found out either as drinking or not drinking water, so government servants employed in the government work cannot be found out (while) taking money( for themselves)† Major Scams in India Year 1976 1981 1987 1987 1991 1991 1992 1992 1994 1995 1996 1996 1996 2000 2001 2002 2006 2009 2009 2010 2012 Scam KUO OIL DEAL SCAM ANTHULAY TRUST (PAY OFF) HDW COMMISSION BOFORS SCAM TELGI SCAM JMM BRIBE SECURITY SCAM(HARSHAD MEHTA) INDIAN BANK RIP – OFF SUGAR IMPORT BHANSALI SCAM FODDER SCAM HAWALA SCAM UREA DEAL UTI SCAM MUTUAL FUND SCAM HOME TRADE SCAM IPO SCAM MADHU KODA SCAM SATYAM SCAM THE 2G SCAM (MOTHER OF ALL SCAMS) COAL ALLOCATION SCAM TOTAL AMOUNT Amount (In crore) 2.2 30 20 64 43000 0.3 4000 1300 650 1200 950 810 233 32 1350 600 61 4000 24000 1,76,000 1,85,591 4,43,894 Effect Of Corruption On Poor Brought Out By CMS-TII †¢With special focus on BPL household’s 2008 survey shows the following results. †¢About one third of the BPL families paid bribe in the last one year for one or more of the eleven public services covered in the study. †¢ This shows that even the poorest of the poor are not spared in their targeted programs. †¢The survey shows that about 3.4 % of people paid a bribe for a school education and 48% in the case of police service. †¢4% BPL households used contacts for PDS ,school education electricity as they could not pay the bribe. †¢2% of the people could not get the above services sine they could not pay the bribe or had no contacts. Effects Of Corruption On The Poor BREAK UP OF BRIBES PAID FOR 11 BASIS SERVICES IN MILLION Services covered Public distribution system Hospital School education (up to class XII) Electricity Water supply National rural employment guarantee scheme Land record / registration Forest Housing Banking Police Total for 11 basic services of BPL families Total bribe paid in an year 450 870 120 1050 240 70 1240 240 1570 830 2150 8830 Source: TII-CMS India Corruption Study (2007) CPI – Corruption Perceptions Index-2012 ï‚ § As per the data for the year 2000 , India was in the 69th rank with CPI score of 2.8. ï‚ §As per Ratan Tata â€Å"Corruption has become worse after liberalization†¦Prior to 1991, corruption was in the form of granting licenses. Now, it’s replaced by the award of contracts and in changing the terms of contractual obligations.† Source: Transparency International 2012 CPI score. CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX 2012 Source: Transparency International 2012 Corruption Stifles Economic Progress Agents Role In the Licensing System †¢Corruption leads in reduction in efficiency. †¢Corruption leads to wastage of public funds and Resources. ï‚ §Institutionalization of corruption. †¢Most prevalent form of corruption in India. Eg: Driving Licensing Process in most states. †¢Willingness to pay bribes. †¢Bounce back on the society. Source: February 2, 2008-Economic Political Weekly. What Is The Root Cause Of Corruption ? †¢Traditional practise. †¢Government services being monopolistic in nature. †¢Lack of trans-parency. †¢Lack of efficient and review monitoring mechanism. †¢Issues with electoral process (funding). †¢ Corporate politician nexus-(State Capture). †¢Socio economic divide. †¢Lack of effective grievance redressal system. Major Demands Of The Team Anna and Kejriwal †¢All govt. servants under the jurisdiction (Including PM). †¢Election and removal be independent of the govt. authorities. †¢CBIs corruption investigation agency shall be brought under the admin control. †¢Investigation procedure shall be in tune with the criminal investigation procedures. †¢Setting up of lokayuktas. †¢Provision for the citizens charter. †¢Effective grievances redressal forum. Earlier Movements Against Corruption: †¢1974 Navnirman movement of Gujarat. †¢Jayaprakash Narayan’s (JP) anti-corruption movement in Bihar of 1974-75 were both against corruption. †¢Other movements: †¢Farmers movements. †¢Dalit movement. †¢Womens Movement. †¢Environmental Movements. †¢RTI Movement. India Against Corruption Movement -How it Differed ? †¢Anna’s Image. †¢Political Vacuum at its peak. †¢Media coverage. †¢In the first phase it seemed completely detached from existing political establishment. †¢Second phase suggested a political alternative. †¢Pan Indian image. ADVANTAGES: †¢Gave a very strict dead line. †¢Proposed several use full amendments. †¢His is a political struggle backed by a moral struggle. †¢Attracted the Youth. †¢Advantages of formation of a political party : †¢Other parties tend to choose better candidates. †¢Other parties tend to give more freedom to the lower level workers. †¢Other parties tend to function more transparently. †¢Could be a failure in election. But politically success. DISADVANTAGES: †¢Less features to prevent corruption prospectively. †¢Based on the assumption that Lokpal will be full of honest and efficient people. Lessons From Karnataka Lokayukta Lessons learnt : ï‚ §Lokpal should have the power of a criminal court. ï‚ §Selection of right candidate . ï‚ §Including PM ministers and MPs under the jurisdiction of the bill. Recommendations by Hegde : ï‚ §Powers to implement recommendations of the Lokpal should be the authority of Lokpal rather than the government. ï‚ §Lokpal to have a separate police force for investigation. ï‚ §Lokpal to have the administrative control over CBI’s corruption investigation team. ï‚ §Making CVC answerable to Lokpal. WAYS TO PREVENT CORRUPTION †¢We need a complete overhaul (holistic approach). †¢Bottom up approach will not work (top officials are also corrupt). †¢We need a top down approach (bring all levels of officers under the jurisdiction of Lokpal). †¢Have faith in the citizens. Emphasis on decentralized the governance structures. †¢Better salaries. †¢Better discipline (accountability and other related aspects). †¢Better recruitment process (importance of Attitude, Aptitude, Ethics). †¢Better automation (Transparency and related aspects). †¢Political will/commitment. †¢Social norms/values should change. †¢Electoral reforms. Question Answer Session

Dead Man Walking Essay Example for Free

Dead Man Walking Essay â€Å"Dead man walking† is an expression often used by a police officer when accompanying a criminal walking towards his death. How can a dead man walk? This is a contradicting sentence that makes no sense. It dehumanizes the person walking and lets the person know that is going to die for the infraction committed. This is one of the last sentences Matthew Poncelot in the movie â€Å"Dead Man Walking† heard. Ironically, the last sentence Matthew said was â€Å"I love you†. How was he able to express love in such a â€Å"culture of death†, surrounded by people that hated him and wanted him to die? This was part of Sister Helen’s job, to build a culture of life in Matthew and use restorative justice instead of retributive justice to make him grow as a person before his death. For Matthew being fully alive meant having what he wanted and doing what he wanted, even if his actions affected someone else. He was racists and thought that black people were less worthy of living; this is a perfect example of a â€Å"culture of death†. But he was taught a lesson, after he killed two people and was sentenced to the death row; he met the person that would bring a â€Å"culture of life† to his life before his death. A â€Å"culture of life† is reflecting the image of God within us by imitating the perfect image of Jesus Christ, in loving God and one another. Sister Helen brought this culture and love to Matthew by loving him when everyone hated him. She applied retributive justice which focuses on restoring the good that has been harmed by criminal activity for the victims, the community, and the offender too, when he was been judged by the government with restorative justice which is the approach to criminal justice, in which the emphasis is on hurting the offender. At the end, her work paid off because Matthew apologized to Mr. Delacroix, the father of the person he killed and reconciliation was eventually reached. The concept culture of life and death makes me think a lot and I have realized that the world, in general, lives constantly in a culture of death. The media and society tells us that we will be happy when we have what we want. It implies that people that look in a certain way will be happier. It makes me feel frustrated and sad because it is very shallow to think that money can buy happiness. In my opinion happiness is a combination of love, hope, gratefulness and patience. I also realized that culture of death is linked  with restorative justice; it brings death to the offender who is viewed as less worthy of life because of the mistakes he/she made. In the same way, culture of life is linked to retributive justice; the point of this approach to justice is not to harm anyone so it does not bring a culture of death to anyone, inste ad it uses the love of forgiveness and conciliation to help the offender and the victim. By studying the concepts of culture of death and life, retributive and restorative justice, I have discovered another way to bring culture of life to my life and everyone surrounding me: to use retributive justice whenever someone hurts me. Using restorative justice will only bring more hatred to me and the people that surround me and revenge is not the point of justice, the point of justice is to construct a healthy society, this can only be reached with retributive justice. I also learned that money cannot buy happiness and being fully alive does not mean to have what I want, but to love everyone, knowing this is very helpful in my life because I am surrounded by advertisements and media that tell me that I will be happy when I look in a certain way or have certain things. Now, I know that is not true and that I will be truly happy if I follow Jesus’ example of love. Matthew lived in a culture of death, he thought that in order to live fully he had to have and do what he wanted. He did not care if his actions affected someone else, until he killed someone and got caught. He then was judge by the government with restorative justice and since he had killed someone, his life had to be taken away too. In this process he met Sister Helen, she brought culture of life to him, she used retributive justice so that the father of the victim and Matthew healed, he stopped being racist and finally admitted he had made a mistake. In conclusion, restorative justice brings culture of death to the victim, offender and society and retributive justice brings culture of life.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Smartphone Market Trends With Pest Analysis In Korea

Smartphone Market Trends With Pest Analysis In Korea The Korean telecom company called KT has published that the major customer of smart phone is men and women in their 20s and 30s who live in capital area. They have a need to buy new mobile phone when their existing phone is out of order or behind in fashion. Even some Macolytes who is enthusiastic in apple products tend to be dissatisfied at not getting new iPhone. After recognizing problems, they get loads of information about new mobile phone from their friends, relatives, internet community and media. As the number of smartphone users is increasing, many smart phone companies have been trying to penetrate Koreas smartphone market. Apples biggest direct competitor is Samsung. While Apple sells only iPhone series, Samsung keeps a rich assortment of goods. Samsung sells cheaper mobile phone targeted at teenagers or a little bit expensive mobile phone which includes a lot of functions aimed at adult and CEO. Like this, Samsung does not overwhelm with material superiority but targets segment market. Therefore, customers can make a choice what they want in their price category. As I mentioned earlier, Samsung sells various kinds of smartphone for different age groups. The Left targets at teenager and the Right aims at adults. Contrary to existing galaxy series smartphone, galaxy pop offers various color and it can satisfy young peoples desires and their personality with inexpensive price. A celebrity who is popular with teenagers appears in commercial advertisement, and the ad encourages young customer to buy it. On the other hand, galaxy s4 is equipped with the latest and the best performance. Samsung installs a lot of billboards to advertise the product. The company offers flip cover with discounted price only for several days and even gives voucher which can enjoy mobile TV. Smartphone market Trends with PEST analysis in Korea. Political Factor Abolition of WIPI obligation WIPI (Wireless Internet Platform for Interoperability) is a platform used in South Korea. It is basic software which is same function as OS used in personal computer. Korean mobile communication companies made their own wireless internet platform in a different ways and lots of contents manufacturers had to make same contents in various ways. Therefore it caused unnecessary waste. Government carried out regulation to reduce waste to a minimum. However, Apple, Nokia and other companies made their mobile phones with their own platform. So that companies had to change their platform to entry Korean mobile phone market. With these difficulties, many companies are reluctant to penetrate Korean market. Eventually, Korea government abolished the WIPI obligation. After Multinational manufacturer entering Korean market, mobile market became more competitive. Especially, Apple affected various positive effects for existing apple customer and this affirmative response continued. Economic Factor Consumption Promotion With the smart phone, more and more people use mobile contents which called application program. In application market, there are lots of categories so consumers are able to buy what they want. As people are using smartphone, loads of applications are activated naturally. Even some people develop their own application program and create profits. At the same time, they make a great contribution to mobile contents market. Eventually smartphone is one of the main factor which promotes application consumption and makes mobile market more active. Social Factor consumer trend, various age groups Originally, only young people who can accept change quickly prefer to use smartphone. As time goes by, however, various age people started to use smartphone. At first, they are not familiar with using smartphone and application, but now many people get accustomed to utilizing their smartphone. Another factor is consumer trend. Many people want to get loads of information in real time. Even in public transportations like metro or bus, consumer search latest information. Customers want to get a lot of information as soon as possible. Technology Factor Camera, GPS, People consider Camera as important factor in smartphone. They dont have to carry their own camera when they want to take pictures and they can just take pictures with high pixel camera in smartphone. With GPS, consumer can know where they are now and how to go to their destination. Consumers are no longer afraid of getting lost due to GPS. Apple Analysis Organization Figure Apple organization structure. Apple organization is so simple and not conventional. It is vastly different from other companies organization chart. At first, Apple doesnt have committee and organization management. The company only has CFO which controls profit and loss. Most of companies tend to regard profit and loss as ultimate result of management responsibility however, in Apple, only CFO pays attention to their profit and loss. As a result, workers can share their ideas with bottom up not top down. Brand Strength Figure Apple ranked as Worlds most valuable brand Apples strengths are retail stores, customer service, leading innovator and financial reports, First of all, Apple opened own retail stores all over the world. It is estimated that about 280 stores in 10 countries. Most of retail stores are a success because consumers have an opportunity to learn and use about the product in stores. Second, Apple is known for good customer service. Apple is home to many sales representatives who are trained customer service and information. Apple also offers free online chat function and replies the answer to consumers inquiry. The Third strength is leading innovator. Apple is regarded as most innovative company. The company can produce innovative products and its innovation affects another mobile company. Final strength is financial reports. The financial performance of apple is better than many companies. It has high gross profit margin. Positioning Apple offers various applications and service through iTunes and app store. This is main positioning of apple and thats why the companys main consumers are in their 20s and 30s who have strong purchasing power. Figure Past iPhone campaign history The iphone3 campaign is simple. Apple just emphasizes price and speed. Actually many people thought that there is no big difference between iPhone3 and iPod. But after releasing iPhone 4, the campaign is totally different. Apple introduced new function which called face-time. iPhone4 users could call their family or friends with face to face. The most important factor that apple emphasizes about iPhone 4s is Siri. Consumers can order action with their voice and the product takes an action. Like this, the past iPhone campaign is quite innovative but it isnt useful in real life. For example, Siri is not offered on the Korean iPhone therefore it is hard to use Siri for Korean consumer. Another failure is face time. Because lots of Korean mobile phones have already offered video call, Korean didnt think it is special. Therefore considering this failure, the most important iPhone 5 campaign slogan is Innovative but Practical iPhone 5 communications objectives. Make iphone5 faster than before. Add the ability to watch TV in everywhere. Extend the battery life Make up for yellow gate and camera. Target audiences The existing target audience is men aged 18-35 however now it would be changed. The main iPhone 5 target audiences are in their early 20s and mid-30s. These groups of people have strong purchasing power and they are very sensitive to the changes. The reason that I exclude teenagers from target audiences is they tend to buy their mobile phone according to the situation and they dont have any income so it is hard to make them as long-term customers. Many people including existing users were dissatisfied at the short battery life. Showing the main problem-solving, Apple persuade consumer to buy the product. This is helpful to leave positive images which Apple is trying to communicate with consumer. Consumer in their 20s and 30s are very sensitive to the latest trends and sometimes they feel depressed when they cannot have latest product. People want to buy not only products but also the brands name. Apple has to understand the character of target audiences, and make them feel .superior. Promotional tools Advertising Media broadcast, print, outdoor, in store Blogs upload information about new iPhone and draw intention. Broadcast emphasize the iPhone 5 speed. Print Print new slogan Public relations Press release updates every month Video news Make iPhone channel at Youtube and upload regularly Direct Marketing Email Send emails to all apple consumers with introduction of iPhone 5 Personal selling Trained sales person provides information and spend time with new customers. Create long relationships between seller and buyer Persuade to purchase new product Sales Promotions Discounting price Offer discounted price to student and existing users who bring their iPhone series. Samples Retail stores allow consumers to try the iPhone5 Voucher When customers buy iPhone 5, Apple give voucher Suggestions for relevant media Social Network Media According to the research graph, more and more Korean people are getting use their own social network. With using social network, the company can attract a lot of social network users. For example, on Facebook, most of users age is from 18 to 35 which is our main target audience. So If the company target on Social Media such as facebook, twitter etc, the company can attract a lot of main target consumer. Customers will be interested in new iPhone, and they could express their own opinion on Social network. The best advantage using this media is the company can communicate with the consumers and advertise effectively with a small charge. TV commercial advertisement. The TV commercial is the easiest way for customers to get new information about iPhone. During for only 2-30 seconds, the commercial could effect on customers. Nowadays, it becomes more and more important to choose advertising background music. With using TV ad music, it also can emphasize the products various advantages. TV commercial advertising expenditure is most expensive than other advertisement, but it is one of effective means to inform the public. Creative Strategy Emphasize the better battery and offer portable chargers. Many Korean people think that the most disadvantage of iPhone is the battery. Contrary to other competitors, iPhone has a built-in battery. So the company has to extend the battery life, and emphasize the major improvement. And the company will offer free portable chargers for consumer during specific period. Apple sticks to make iPhone with built-in battery. Instead of making portable battery, offering portable chargers could be differentiation strategy and it also conserves iPhones unique design. Like this, if the battery life is longer, lots of customers would satisfy the new iPhone and they will also suggest their friends or family. Advertising with new function The new function of iPhone is DMB(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting). As I target at Korean mobile market, launching iPhone with DMB could draw consumers interest. In Korea, during commuting hours, lots of workers tend to spend their time with watching TV in metro or buses. Previously, because Apple didnt add this features, many Korean apple users used to experience discomfort. Combining with 4:3 screen ratios and Apples Retina Display, the company would provide target audience with crystal clear images. In summary, new slogan of iPhone is practical and unique. I will adhere to existing unique design and make up for shortcomings. The main objectives of iPhone 5 marketing is to emphasize the better battery life, new DMB functions and higher speed than before. To target main audience, I will advertise on Social Media and TV commercial advertisement in priority. With this advertising, the company is able to attract major consumers. I also want to stretch more budgets for advertising and sales promotions than before. With promoting consumers about the extended battery life, the company can offer free portable battery charges as sales promotions. Using this promotional tool appropriately, the company would be successful on iPhone5.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Miss Maudie & Aunt Alex Essay -- English Literature Essays

Miss Maudie & Aunt Alex The Maycomb ladies provide an excellent example of racial prejudice, and a failure to see what it is like in someone else’s skin. They believe they are doing well by making money for missions, failing to see the hardship on their own doorsteps. Aunt Alexandra is very important to the novel, ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ as she is a representative of these viewpoints, disapproving of Calpurnia and disassociating herself from the black community entirely. Miss Maudie however is the counterpoint to Aunt Alexandra. Maudie offers Scout a female role model, whereas Aunt Alexandra tries to make Scout more ladylike, to fit in with her position in life. Aunt Alexandra plays the greatest role in reinforcing class distinctions within the Finch family. As she believes that because the Finch family comes from a long line of landowners, who have been in the county for generations, they deserve greater respect than other people do and therefore must behave according to their status. However her prejudice alienates her from the tolerant Finches, but she fits in well with the rest of Maycomb. Aunt Alexandra has strict and traditional ideas of how society works and the role for a Southern woman within it, which she tries to enforce upon Scout at the beginning to this novel. ‘When I said I could do nothing in a dress, she said I wasn’t supposed to be doing things that required pants.’ Scout immediately takes a dislike to Aunt Alexandra when she criticises her about her overalls. Aunt Alexandra fits in well with the neighbours in Maycomb, but not with the children, as she demands different standards of behaviour from what they are used to. Aunt Alexandra does create an impact during her stay when trying to influence the children during their crucial years of growing up. Atticus is worried that he is not doing his best for his children and is torn between being courteous to his sister and raising Jem and Scout as he sees fit. ‘Your aunt has asked me to try and impress upon you and Jean Louise that you are not from run-of-the-mill people,’ ‘She asked me to tell you†¦.’ Atticus doesn’t really want to do this but realises it’s important to his sister, Jem and Scout can sense this as he keeps saying ‘She asked me to tell you†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Aunt Alexandra plays a major role in Jem and Scout’s understanding of Atticus’s teachings on racial discrimination and prejudice. S... ... in the last few chapters when Jem and Scout are attacked. Aunt Alexandra redeems herself and realises the importance of the children’s well being and not their status, she becomes a changed women in both the reader’s and Scout’s eyes. ‘Are you all right, darling?’ she asked over and over as she worked me free. The reader also sees a definite change to Auntie when she hands Scout her overalls, ‘the garments she most despised.’ She blames herself for the attack and shows care and tenderness in the final crisis. Both Miss Maudie and Aunt Alexandra are important role models to Scout and Jem at the end of this novel. Especially Aunt Alexandra as she shows the children that there is hope in Maycomb for people to alter their ways and views like she’s started to achieve in the last few chapters to this book. Jem and Scout don’t have a mother figure in their lives but Miss Maudie acts as a feminine role model, helping Atticus to guide them towards the right understanding of life. From this analysis of the two characters Miss Maudie and Aunt Alexandra, it is very clear that they both care very much for the welfare of the children although they go about showing it in very different ways.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Three Lonely Outcasts :: Free Essay Writer

Three Lonely Outcasts In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck almost all of the characters are ranch hands and they are solitary wanderers. They live very lonely, solitary lives, drifting from one ranch to another. They don?t make many friends and they don?t make much money. There are three characters on the ranch who are the lonliest of the lonely because they are also outcasts or misfits who don?t fit in with what is considered ?normal? by the other ranch hands. Lennie is an outcast because he is retarded, Crooks is an outcast because he is black, and Curley?s wife is an outcast because she is a woman. These three outcasts look for companionship throughout the novel. First, Lennie is a lonely outcast because he is retarded. One of the reasons he doesn?t fit in with the other ranch hands is because he doesn?t always understand what people are talking about. He doesn?t even always understand George. Lennie admits this when Crooks says to him, ?Sometimes he talks and and you don?t know what the hell he?s talkin? about.? (Steinbeck,77). But Lennie always needs companionship. He is never alone, even if he has a dead mouse or a puppy with him. George would sometimes punish Lenny by not letting him tend to the rabbits on the ranch. And Lennie?s biggest fear is of being abandoned by George: He won?t do it,? Lennie cried. ?George wouldn?t do nothing like that. I been with George a long time. He?ll come back tonight But the doubt was too much for him.? (Steinbeck,78). The second lonely outcast is Curley?s wife. The other ranch hands stay away from her because she is a woman and because she is the wife of the boss? son. Also, even though her husband is very jealous, she is so lonely that she tries to get attention from the ranch hands, which makes Curley even angrier and more jealous. She is like the outcast of the outcasts. One night, when everyone else is away from the ranch, Lennie and Candy are in Crooks? room. Even though it is just the three ?. . . weak ones here? (Steinbeck,84), when Curley?s wife is lonely and wants to join them, they won?t let her: ?Maybe you better go along to your own house now.

Puerto Rico Independence? Essay -- essays research papers

To argue on Puerto Rican Independence, Commonwealth, or Statehood, we must first learn of the history of Puerto Rico. Growing up I was very ignorant about Puerto Rico. It wasn’t till I was in the Navy and got stationed in Puerto Rico did I really find out the small Caribbean island. Although Puerto Rico has an extensive history, I will only give a brief synopsis of it: In November 1493 Christopher Columbus discovered the island of Puerto Rico for the country of Spain. It remained a colonization of Spain until 1898 when Spain ceded the island to the United States after the Spanish-American war. In 1917 Puerto Rican’s became U.S. Citizens, but only 24% consider themselves as American (2000 census). Puerto Rico was also granted its own government and constitution, however, it had to be approved by the U.S. congress. Also Puerto Rico must obey our federal laws. In 1952 Puerto Rico became a â€Å"Commonwealth† associated with the United States. Puerto Rico does not p ay any federal income tax and yet still receive federal benefits. To make for this, they cannot vote in presidential elections and have no voting representation in congress. Puerto Rican Statehood has been a hot issue for several years. Currently, there are three views on this issue: Statehood (New Progressive Party or NPP), Commonwealth (Popular Democratic Party or PDP) and Independence (Puerto Rican Independence Party or PIP). In this report, I hope to show each view clearly and back it up with documentation. VIEW OF STATEHOOD Statehood supporters "see the United States as a union of 50 sovereign states united to give their citizens the best opportunity to succeed in life. "They believe that Puerto Rico is in a unique position to join this union and partake of the benefits, and responsibilities, of being an integral part of the United States of America. There are economic, social, and political advantages to becoming the 51st state." PROS OF STATEHOOD In the economics of Puerto Rico, statehood has many pros. The first is that Puerto Rico will receive taxes from their citizens to build the infrastructure of the state. They will have an open market to trade with all nations that are in alliance with the U.S. With becoming a state, Puerto Rico will enjoy the benefits of America's high per capita income and low unemployment rates. "Puerto Rico's relationship with the United States ... ...erto Rico will be able to enter into trade agreements with other free nations as it so chooses. Chris Dodd, Bill Bradley, Pat Moynihan, and various members of the CBO, of Yale University and Harvard University, and others comment on the Independence economic model in very favorable terms. Every major financial analyst and economist in both the academic and federal sectors have expressed appreciation and approval to the economic strategy as being fair, equitable and workable. In a worse case scenario, Puerto Rico will operate under a combined budget of six billion dollars. Puerto Rico would receive revenue from sources such as customs, parks, excise taxes, user-paid tolls, and service fess. That is what several other small, independent nations are doing right now. Allen, R.E. The Dialogues of Plato, Volume II. London: Yale University Press Publisher, 1991. Grant, Michael. Cicero, Selected Works. Blatimore: Penguin Books Publisher, 1960. Dolan, John P. The Essentials Erasmus. New York: The new American Library Publisher, 1964 Internet. Plato (circa 428-C.-347 B.C) Plato Page. Hare, R.M. Plato. London: Oxford University Press, 1892 Puerto Rico Independence? Essay -- essays research papers To argue on Puerto Rican Independence, Commonwealth, or Statehood, we must first learn of the history of Puerto Rico. Growing up I was very ignorant about Puerto Rico. It wasn’t till I was in the Navy and got stationed in Puerto Rico did I really find out the small Caribbean island. Although Puerto Rico has an extensive history, I will only give a brief synopsis of it: In November 1493 Christopher Columbus discovered the island of Puerto Rico for the country of Spain. It remained a colonization of Spain until 1898 when Spain ceded the island to the United States after the Spanish-American war. In 1917 Puerto Rican’s became U.S. Citizens, but only 24% consider themselves as American (2000 census). Puerto Rico was also granted its own government and constitution, however, it had to be approved by the U.S. congress. Also Puerto Rico must obey our federal laws. In 1952 Puerto Rico became a â€Å"Commonwealth† associated with the United States. Puerto Rico does not p ay any federal income tax and yet still receive federal benefits. To make for this, they cannot vote in presidential elections and have no voting representation in congress. Puerto Rican Statehood has been a hot issue for several years. Currently, there are three views on this issue: Statehood (New Progressive Party or NPP), Commonwealth (Popular Democratic Party or PDP) and Independence (Puerto Rican Independence Party or PIP). In this report, I hope to show each view clearly and back it up with documentation. VIEW OF STATEHOOD Statehood supporters "see the United States as a union of 50 sovereign states united to give their citizens the best opportunity to succeed in life. "They believe that Puerto Rico is in a unique position to join this union and partake of the benefits, and responsibilities, of being an integral part of the United States of America. There are economic, social, and political advantages to becoming the 51st state." PROS OF STATEHOOD In the economics of Puerto Rico, statehood has many pros. The first is that Puerto Rico will receive taxes from their citizens to build the infrastructure of the state. They will have an open market to trade with all nations that are in alliance with the U.S. With becoming a state, Puerto Rico will enjoy the benefits of America's high per capita income and low unemployment rates. "Puerto Rico's relationship with the United States ... ...erto Rico will be able to enter into trade agreements with other free nations as it so chooses. Chris Dodd, Bill Bradley, Pat Moynihan, and various members of the CBO, of Yale University and Harvard University, and others comment on the Independence economic model in very favorable terms. Every major financial analyst and economist in both the academic and federal sectors have expressed appreciation and approval to the economic strategy as being fair, equitable and workable. In a worse case scenario, Puerto Rico will operate under a combined budget of six billion dollars. Puerto Rico would receive revenue from sources such as customs, parks, excise taxes, user-paid tolls, and service fess. That is what several other small, independent nations are doing right now. Allen, R.E. The Dialogues of Plato, Volume II. London: Yale University Press Publisher, 1991. Grant, Michael. Cicero, Selected Works. Blatimore: Penguin Books Publisher, 1960. Dolan, John P. The Essentials Erasmus. New York: The new American Library Publisher, 1964 Internet. Plato (circa 428-C.-347 B.C) Plato Page. Hare, R.M. Plato. London: Oxford University Press, 1892

Thursday, July 18, 2019

McDonald’s Chain Essay

One of the largest fast-food chains in the world, McDonald’s, is an Olympic sponsor. This has caused much controversy in the UK, where health problems caused by obesity are on the increase. Discuss. Nowadays, with rapidly global economic development, a wealth of food corporations are expanding their businesses. An increasing number of fast-food chains have had a marked effect on the way we live. Fast-food is very popular in modern life, because it caters for our fast-paced lives. However, many studies claim that fast-food is associated with obesity (The Health of The Nation,1992,P21 ). This essay will analyse the advantages and disadvantages of fast-food and in the following essay I will discuss the relationship between obesity and fast-food. In the first place, we should define the term obesity. Obesity is described by the World Health Organization(WHO) as â€Å"a disease in which excess body fat has accumulated to such an extent that health may be adversely affected.† (Ewles.L,2005, P80) Throughout the world, obesity has been increasing at an unprecedented rate. This is true not only for industrialized societies, but also for developing countries. (Barnett.A.H and Kumar.S ,2008,P3) â€Å"In 1995, there were an estimated 200 million obese adults worldwide and another 18 million under-five children classified as overweight . As of 2000, the number of obese adults has sharply increased to over 300 million. In developing countries, it is estimated over 115 million people suffer from obesity-related problems.† Indeed, the rate of obesity has been exploded in last 20 years. (Ewles.L,2005, P80) Today, it is accepted that obesity is one of the biggest threats to public health. Fast food such as hamburgers and hot dogs are often high in sugar, salt, cholesterol and trans fats. The intake of these elements can lead to marked obesity. The support from the national study, compared to the days before fast food, energy consumption was over 187 kcal per meal when an adult consumption of fast food . (Larsson.B, 1981 ,P97).Based on national study, more and more people are realizing there is a connection between fast food and obesity. There are studies which confirm this idea. Obesity is a major contributor to the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. In the Nurse’s Health Study, (Larsson.B,1981 P97-P116) the risk of developing diabetes increased five-fold in obese women with BMI 25kg/m2 compared with others women who have standard of body weight . In the same study, â€Å"the risk of developing CHD increased 3.3-fold with BMI>29kg /m and 1.8 fold between 25 and 29kg/m2 compared to those women with BMI>21kg/m2 .† The result shows that each kilogram of weight gained from 18 years old was associated with 3.1 times higher risk of heart disease risks. From those figures. It appears that obesity is one of the significant factors of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. There is also an important association between obesity and hypertension. In the Swedish Obesity Study, (Barnett.A.H and Kumar.S ,2008,P154) hypertension was present at base line in approximately one-half of subjects. â€Å"The study involving 1000 men and women showed that a 10kg increase in weight was related to 3mmHg rise in systolic and 2.3 mmHg rise in diastolic blood pressure.† However, this extent also can increase 12% risk of hypertension by high blood pressure. From this study, we can see clearly the relationship between the weight and data of blood pressure. When the weight is above normal, the weight gain and the risk of hypertension is in proportion. So, weight loss can help obese people reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Fast food is a main factor in childhood obesity. According to a national study, (Barnett.A.H and Kumar.S ,2008,P107) there is a positive correlation between childhood obesity and the consumption of fast food. For example in the late 1970s, fast food accounted for 2 per cent of total energy intake in children in the USA. Since the 1990s, the proportion of fast food consumption has increased five-fold. At the same time the percentage of overweight American children increased from 5% to 15%. In fact , fast food outlets have been growing sharply since the 1990s .The negative effects of fast food consumption on children is increasing. Fast food have a lot of unhealthy ingredients, including carbohydrates, fats and non-starchy vegetables, (Barnett.A.H and Kumar.S ,2008,P226) those elements has been linked to weight gain. In addition, approximately 20% – 30% of obese children appear to be at risk of the same complications of obesity as obese adults. (Barnett.A.H and Kumar.S ,2008,P227) Childhood obesity is becoming a public health crisis. However, there are some advantages in fast food. First of all , the most obvious advantage is quite convenient. in contemporary society as people have no time to prepare their food. Work occupies most of our time, we need to squeeze more time for work. So fast food becomes an ideal choice for modern people. The reasons are not only fast food can eliminate the time spent on cooking, but it also tastes delicious, some of young people particularly are addicted to the flavour of fast food. Moreover, the lower price of fast food attractes people. A further advantage is that fast food outlets usually have a clean and comfortable environments . In conclusion, although there are many reasons for the causes of obesity ,one of the main reasons for obesity is the consumption of fast food too much. As mentioned above, there is a positive correlation between obesity and many diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and hypertension. It is cannot to be ignored that fast food is the biggest cause of obesity in children. Fast food will bring a large quantity of health problems. References: Barnett. A.H and Kumar S.(2008) 2nd Ed .Obesity and diabetes. pub. Wiley-Blackwell Oxford .UK. Ewles. L.(2005) Ed. Key topics in public health: essential briefings on prevention and health promotion. pub. Elsevier Churchill Livingstone. UK Larsson. B. (1981) The health consequences of obesity, International journal of Oxford University Press . UK. The Health of The Nation (1992) Key Area Handbook :Coronary heart disease and stroke .pub. Nation white paper. UK.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Western Influence on Intellectual Movements in China

These considerations give us a expressage objective to mark virtu every last(predicate)y of the broad outlines and trace nearly of the principal(prenominal) patterns in the quick account statement of advanced chinas attempt to catch the West and adjust to it. The study counter on the assumption that westerly incline did indeed precipitate the remaking of Chinese life and values (Gu and Goldman 2004 74).The imitation of Western arms, the program of Self-strengthening by Western studies, afterward through industrialization and planetually through institutional reform, the forepart for revolution and republi layaboutism all these and umteen new(prenominal) programs defecate had their solar day and contributed to the long struggle for the remaking of Chinese life. All of them have been related, in great or less degree, to the Western bring on china, even d suffer to the aver Ameri basin imperialism (Ghai 1999 32).The story of what happened during 1 920s and I 910s and World War II and its race to the overseas trained intellectuals and the role they play in chinas history after World War II can be told through the recollections of subgenus Chen Renbing and the overseas educated. They reflected on their lives as intellectual in chinaware during the rise and slaying of communism and philistine movements, including the Thought refine Movement, the Anti-Rightist Movement, the Cultural Revolution and the downfall of the combination of Four and an attempt to return to a to a greater extent wellspring-mannered society (Gu and Goldman 2004 74).These broadly speaking male intellectuals provided fascinating details of their too soon lives and command abroad (Ghai 1999 32). However, even more questions arose with the credit that their limit upon returning to mainland chinaware was severely limited by anti-intellectual mass semi semipolitical movements. Discussion whitethorn Fourth Movement in 1919 The misadventure of whitethorn 4, 1919, was provoked by the conclusion of the peacemakers at Versailles to leave in Japanese hands the former German concessions in Shandong. News of this decision led or so(a) 3,000 educatees from Beida and other Beijing institutions to hold a mass demonstration at the Tiananmen, the gateway to the palace.They burned the house of a pro-Japanese console table see and beat the Chinese minister to Japan (Ghai 1999 33). Police attacked the students and they thereupon holloed a student strike, sent telegrams to students elsewhere, and organized patriotic teams to pervade leaflets and make speeches among the populace (Gittings 1996 268). Similar demonstrations were re-create in Tianjin, Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuhan, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, and elsewhere (Gu and Goldman 2004 74). A a couple of(prenominal) students were killed and others were wounded (Rodan 2004 231).The prisons were soon full of demonstrators. Visits by Bertrand Russel and John Dewey, coupled with a extended number of Chinese s tudents seeking education in Europe, Great Britain and the United States, promised, a new epoch in chinas relations with the rest of the humans (Gittings 1996 268). Some Chinese Critics blamed the presidential terms woes on its Eurasian nature, a reference to the legion(predicate) foreign advisers and Western-educated Chinese in its ranks (Ghai 1999 33). Rising patriotic archetype was accompanied by heightened anti-foreign feeling.A generation of intellectuals whose mettle was forged in the whitethorn Fourth movement of 1919 sought earnestness from the West, absorbing Western ideas and values eyepatch rejecting Western influence in China (Rodan 2004 231). As the Nanking presidential term centralized its indicator in the early 1930s, it tightened censorship and certified intellectual granting immunitys (Zhao 2000 268). In the midst of civil war, any form of dissent, oddly of a communistic flavor, was severely repressed, and a variant of reign of terror existed on somew hat university campuses, with occasional raids, expulsions, and arrests.Espousal of communism was a capital offense and often no proof was required. In angiotensin converting enzyme incident, hexad young writers were forced to dig their own graves and then buried briskan ancient punishment (Ghai 1999 34). Student Protests in Tiananmen straightforwardly in 1989 In the outset of 1989, what began as a student witness in Beijing galvanized diverse brotherly groups throughout China. Spurred by the death of the everyday pro-democracy Politburo member Hu Yaobang, university students began a series of remonstrances in Beijings Tiananmen Square, the civic and heathenish heart of China (Rodan 2004 232).The students camped out in Tiananmen Square, listening to speeches, chanting slogans, and singing songs of immunity and protest. Print and broadcast media covered the luxurious pronouncements of the charismatic student leaders (Gries and Rosen 2001 211). For many students, influence d by exposure to Western ideas as China opened its doors in the preceding ten dollar bill, democracy appeared simply to mean freedom of press and expression (Ghai 1999 35). After some weeks, the students held the entire nation of China in thrall, threatening the ideological hold of Deng arid the other octogenarian Communist companionship leaders (Zhao 2000 268).Traditionally, the mickle of China have viewed student protests respectfully (Gries and Rosen 2001 211). Western relaxation behavior and remarkable political inclinations influence Chinese students to rally protest in realization to their demands of rights and appropriate humanitarian treatment, much(prenominal) as those performed in Western lands (Pok Xing 2004 121). The students, in fact, consciously sought to associate themselves with the May quartetteth Movement, a popular and patriotic pre-republic protest a adoptst foreign domination.At the core of the students concerns was a hope for greater democracy (Jeans 1 997 184). Indeed, one of the most enduring symbols of the Tiananmen Square protests was the hard-on of a large-scale statue the Goddess of country. In 1989, the stinting reform initiated by Deng was a decade old, and many within Chinaeven at the highest levels of governmentbelieved that it was time for political reform as well (Gries and Rosen 2001 212-213). By May, the protests had expanded to nearly forty cities throughout China.The students drew support from many elements of Chinese societyfrom journalists, intellectuals frustrated by the Communist partys tight picture over free expression in the press and academic institutions, urban workers relate about(predicate) growing inflation (nearly 27 percent in the first quadruple months of 1989), and even bureaucrats upset about government corruption (Gries and Rosen 2001 212-213). The participation of workers m the protests were especially galling and worrisome to Communist Party officials. The party was, after all, supposed t o be the vanguard of the workers (He 2001 88).Moreover, as events in Tiananmen Square were unfolding, party leaders were aware that lecher Walesa had recently led the independent calling union Solidarity in a call for political reform and free elections in Poland (Pok Xing 2004 121). apparitional Pollution Policy Spiritual pollution and the closely related evil, capitalistic liberalization, are defined as beliefs in excessive and unchecked freedoms that undermine the four basic principles (Wood 2002 46). The ideological battle against much(prenominal) pollution was urgent but this fuss occurred in the thinking of Party members, cadres and the people world(a)ly (He 2001 88).As a contradiction in terms among the people, spiritual pollution could be work out using study, criticism and self-criticism. The place for eliminating such evils among united front targets was the institute of socialism (Chi 1996 196). China is particularly sensitive about Western cultural influence. Hau nted by anti-foreignism, which ebbs and flows in recent Chinese history, China regards Western media fare as an great source of spiritual pollution and serene evolution (Wood 2002 46). News of the anti-spiritual pollution movement and its activities were like a virus facing pages over China (Jeans 1997 184).In some places it took a serious turn and in some areas, like in Guangdong, it notwithstanding received lip service (He 2001 88). With the fly the coop of party rectification proceeding at the same time, it was like the San-fan and Wu-fan campaigns revisited, but on a smaller scale. History came gage to haunt the entrepreneurs, who were just recovering from the resentment of Mao and still hoping to overcome their timidity of life uncertainty Mass campaigns in China typically had not been limited to the goal of the campaign but well rolled over to microstinting aspects of life, thence making life miserable for tete-a-tete entrepreneurs and consumers alike (Chi 1996 196) .Western Influence To sink in Chinas Democracy First, political cultivation is part of the purification of humankind and advanced political civilization includes progressive political ideas, such as democracy, liberty, equality, fairness, justice, political transparency, and human rights, which are shared out by all human beings (He 2001 88). Second, the culture of socialist democracy in China should correspond to the countrys economic and social development as well as its political tradition, and China should never copy any Western political models.Third, in promoting political development, China can learn from the achievements of political civilization of other peoples, including some ideologies of Western democracy in terms of suppositious principles, institutional design, and political process (Wood 2002 48). Fourth, the priority in ontogenesis political civilization is to ensure that Chinas socialist democracy is institutionalise and standardized, with corresponding proc edures (Liew 2004 158).Such a theoretical innovation suggests Beijings flexibleness and bottom line in calculate for the socialist democracy in general and intra-party democracy in particular (Gittings 1996 268). The influence of Western ideologies are significantly manifested in Chinese intellectual protests from the time of May fourth protests up to the latest at Tiananmen Square in 1989 hence, the possibility to utilizing horse opera influence, particularly in democratic ideologies, can be a potential shot in introducing the concepts of democracy to the society and political system (Liew 2004 158).Conclusion The central discipline of late Chinese history has been to fight with the West so as to gain a foothold in the redbrick world. In the transformation to study horse opera learning to achieve national successfulness and strength in modern times, China made a tremendous enterprise and paid dearly. Western learning opening in the beginning of this century, however the c oncepts of the rights and of the discover of law went against feudal social relationships.As with incidents in May fourth and Tiananmen Square, many had liberal if not leftist leanings, and were fill up with disillusionment and yearnings for a strong and modern China. The western influences had indeed played significant role in the events thus, with intellectual bodies touched up, the possibility of introducing democratic concepts in Chinese society is indeed possible and potential.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction might be since they developed, or maybe you want to rewrite it after youve finished to reflect the stream of your arguments.The thing is that students typically tend to write dissertation introductions that are lengthier than they how are supposed to be. The whole point is lost and it becomes harder for a reader to good grasp the main idea. Writing a very detailed introduction is another common problem. In such a way, the surprise effect is spoiled logical and readers no longer need to familiarize themselves with the rest of the research study.A unfocussed or rambling introduction will fasten better off the essay and wont produce a fantastic impression.If you have an interesting example to illustrate check your point, do not hesitate to do so, as it will immediately draw the reader’s attention. Then, proceed to describe the topic of your dissertation. Define the subject you want to research. worth Try to choose something unusual or under-researched.

Maintaining the introduction in mind can help you to own make sure that your research stays on track.Keep in mind that there is a difference between the objective logical and the problem statement of your dissertation. Use research questions to dwell upon the problem statement. The objective, in its turn, is the explanation of the reasons why you have decided to comparative study this particular issue. Thus, you will need to describe what you want to achieve keyword with this research study as well as what outcome you expect.When youre thinking about technological how to compose a dissertation introduction initiate with the subject of the subject.Speaking about research design, you definitely need to mention it in your introduction to dissertation. Provide a brief summary of it. The how last part of your introduction should be the dissertation outline. What you are supposed to do is to briefly describe how your dissertation is constructed.

It needs to be fascinating in order to arouse interest, and stand out.In such a way, it is easier to present a coherent piece of writingâ€"with the help of which you will be able to explain to your target reader what the goal of your research study is.Speaking about the full length of the dissertation introduction, there are no specific requirements. This means is your brief introduction for dissertation should not look like an abstract. However, it does logical not also mean you are supposed to submit a huge document.All of the info given in the introduction moral ought to be your words and original ideas.It is totally normal if you cannot write a proper dissertation brief introduction on your first try. It takes time, which is the reason why it is important not to stress out much about it. Take a break. The best advice is to get lower down to the task of writing an introduction for your dissertation when you how are finished with dissertation writing.

A few pages is plenty in composing the background info.Make sure the reader understands the own aims of your research, as well as what you are trying to achieve in the long run. The more you dwell upon all these aspects in your introduction, the easier it will be for readers to grasp your main idea. Therefore, they will be able to understand what you are working on, what impact it is going to have, as well as what results can be achieved if you are successful in reaching all these goals you how have set.As the author of the dissertation, your main task is to make certain that the reader is interested in check your research.Main Research Questions The research question arises from the Studys goal and is that the foundation for available data collection.Begin with outlining the main argument right away. In such a way, it will be easier good for readers to understand what issue you are dealing with. Then, dwell upon the methodology you have used. Explain what tools you have chosen and mention why you have decided to use those particular ones.

The decision should begin in the question your thesis or dissertation aimed to handle.Therefore, it is a great way to impress your target audience and motivate them to keep reading to find out more about the subject you have chosen to research. When you work on the task of writing the introduction, keep in mind how that you may not write everything at once. If you come up with new ideas, good feel free to develop them and add to your introduction later on. Make sure that the finished english version remains coherent.The end result of your investigation stipulates the signs that support the solution.Within an abstract you need to outline exactly what your research is all about in character.

Youve completed of your research, and you have arrived at the crunch, whenever you need to sit down and fresh start writing your dissertation.Studies dont have hypotheses.Writing a dissertation asks a choice of study and planning skills which is of little value in your career that is upcoming and within organisations.Attempt to restrict your acknowledgement dissertation to a page.