Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Leadership within Non-Profits (Identify a Non-Profit) Essay

Leadership within Non-Profits (Identify a Non-Profit) - Essay Example The volunteers govern the American Red Cross. It is located in Washington. Bonnie McElveen- Hunter is the board of governors’ chairperson Gail J. McGovern is the current American red cross president. Leadership in the American Red cross aims at attracting sufficient funds or capital and making sound strategies. Due to this, the organization has strong leaders that aim to these goals (Jones 35). The leaders in the American Red Cross use transformational skills, which is about thinking and understanding the problem in an organization. It is also about thinking, understanding, and setting the goals for employees. The goals set are challenging but workers can achieve them through hard work. This is important because without the challenging goals, employees or workers would not be motivated to extend their full effort to work. This achievement of challenging goals helps the leader to develop his leadership qualities and makes him better equipped to achieve hard tasks. For instance, American Red Cross leadership has set out a fierce campaign to encourage people to donate blood and funds. This is done through the creation of awareness among the people both domestically and internationally. The American Red Cross process and distribute the collected blood. Transformational leadership at American Red Cross facilitates and redefines people’s vision and mission (Robbins 77). It also renews people’s commitment and restructures their systems to accomplish a certain goal. Thus, a mutual relationship stimulates and elevates follower to become leaders. In addition, it may also convert leaders to become moral agents. Transformational leadership should therefore be grounded on moral foundation. For example, when disaster strikes the American Red Cross provides food, health, and shelter to ensure that victims have basic human needs and to enable the get back to the way things were (Jones 41-44). Leadership at the American Red Cross aims at

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Old Man and the Sea Essay Example for Free

The Old Man and the Sea Essay â€Å"The Old Man and the Sea:† A Tale of Betrayed Brotherhood In Ernest Hemingway’s novella â€Å"The Old Man and the Sea,† an old fisherman named Santiago faces the challenge of catching the largest fish of his life, an act he hopes will bring immortal greatness to his name. The accomplishment of this goal, however, hinges on the act of killing a creature Santiago often deems his equal, as exemplified by his recurring reference to the fish as a brother. The old man’s longing for greatness negates any moral considerations he may have, though, until he realizes his own mortality, extends that into a feeling of equality with the fish, and the fish’s body is destroyed by sharks. Then he understands what he has done: stripped the noble fish, his equal, of its pride. From that point on, he regrets his actions of betraying his brother. Therefore, throughout a majority of â€Å"The Old Man and the Sea,† Santiago’s desire to achieve immortal greatness overshadows the immorality of his actions, but when the sharks destroy the physical embodiment of this achievement, the fish, he realizes that the end does not justify the means; immortal greatness is not obtained. Santiago, who is nearing the end of his life, has a preoccupation bordering on obsession with greatness. He continually speaks and thinks of Joe DiMaggio, the embodiment of greatness in the form of a baseball player, and his roots as a poor fisherman’s son strengthen the attachment. He dreams of lions, the kings of the jungle, enjoying their domain on a beach. Greatness is clearly on Santiago’s mind. In addition, he longs for the type of greatness that transcends human life; he dreams of achieving immortality through the remembrance of his name in association with something great after his death. After battling the fish for many days, Santiago thinks, â€Å"I am not good for many more turns. Yes you are, he told himself. You’re good for ever† (Hemingway 70). His inner speech, particularly the last sentence, demonstrates his lofty, idealistic mindset. He views his existence as eternal; thus, the type of greatness for which he yearns inferably fits this view and is therefore eternal as well. For Santiago, immortal greatness can only be achieved through fishing: â€Å"You were born to be a fisherman and the fish was born to be a fish. San Pedro was a fisherman as was the father of the great DiMaggio† (Hemingway 81). By extension, Santiago labels the rest of the subjects of the sentence as great due to the reference to DiMaggio, and because he specifically refers to his role in life (a fisherman) in this context, he believes it to be his means toward achieving this greatness. What better chance does he have than to bring in the greatest fish of his life, alone and in old age? Therefore, the fish he catches in the story is his chance at immortal greatness. Early in the story, before Santiago has even seen the fish, he thinks, â€Å"If he will jump I can kill him. But he stays down for ever. Then I will stay down with him for ever† (44). This thought also illuminates the connection he feels between the fish and his glory: If he does not catch the fish and bring it home, hope for his immortal existence dies because this greatness depends entirely on the fish, this fish. Throughout most of the novella, Santiago views the fish as beneath him, as something he is entitled to subdue. For example, he takes possession of the fish, the fish he thus believes he is destined to catch, by referring to it as his before anything even nibbles on his line (Hemingway 24). Also, during Santiago’s battle with the fish, he thinks, â€Å"But, thank God, they are not as intelligent as we who kill them; although they are more noble and more able† (Hemingway 47). In the first half of this passage, he clearly places himself mentally above the fish; however, the second half introduces the respect Santiago holds for the fish, which brings into question his asserted feelings of superiority. In addition, he often refers to the fish as his brother, introducing a sense of kinship he feels with the creature (Hemingway 44, 47, 57, 71, 73). Yet the air of supremacy remains, despite these outward expressions of equality, because the old man’s desire for greatness is so blindingly dominant. Santiago speaks aloud: â€Å"‘I’ll kill him though,’ he said. ‘In all his greatness and his glory. ’ Although it is unjust, he thought. But I will show him what a man can do and what a man endures† (Hemingway 49). In this quotation, Santiago recognizes the greatness of the fish and even contemplates the moral implications of his quest to kill it, but his conclusion that he needs to finish what he set out to do to prove man’s dominance over the creatures of the sea, specifically his dominance to satisfy his hunger for greatness, overshadows his brief moral questioning. Also, Santiago’s references to the fish as a brother initially do not always signify kinship and equality. Once, he makes the claim that his two hands and the fish are brothers; the fish is only related to two small parts of his body (Hemingway 47). Albeit the hands are important parts to the fisherman, he still equates the fish to a portion of his body, not the whole self, which implies there is more to than man than to the fish. A little later, he calls the stars his brothers and expresses gratitude for not having to kill such great, distant beings (Hemingway 58). This minimizes both the fish’s greatness and supposed brotherhood because Santiago clearly longs to be one amongst the stars (immortal greatness), despite, or perhaps because of, their admittedly ungraspable nature, in addition to battling a mere mortal fish. For these reasons, throughout much of the novella Santiago puts the fish’s greatness below the quest for his own, despite selected words to the contrary. When Santiago comes to terms with his own mortality, however, he truly recognizes his equality with the also mortal fish. After days of battling the fish, his inescapable mortality rises to his mind for the first time: â€Å"‘Fish,’ the old man said. ‘Fish, you are going to have to die anyway. Do you have to kill me too’† (Hemingway 70)? Here, Santiago realizes that more than the ability to obtain greatness lies in the hands of this fish; his physical existence also hinges on the fish’s actions. This thought humbles the old man, and minutes later he thinks, â€Å"You are killing me, fish, the old man thought. But you have a right to. Never have I seen a great, or more beautiful, or a calmer or more noble thing than you, brother. Come on and kill me. I do not care who kills who† (Hemingway 71). For the first time the word â€Å"brother† carries the weight it implies because Santiago sees both himself and the fish as mortal beings in a struggle for life. No longer does he assume superior rank over the fish; instead, he recognizes the nobility of both beings as equal in his expression of unconcern for which dies. Shortly after this realization, Santiago succeeds in landing the fish; however, only an hour later, sharks begin to attack the dead fish tied to the side of his boat, ripping flesh from bone, stripping it of its physical mortal greatness. At this point, the question of the morality of killing the fish once again surfaces: â€Å"You did not kill the fish only to keep alive and to sell for food. You killed him for pride and because you are a fisherman. You loved him when he was alive, and you loved him after. If you love him, it is not a sin to kill him. Or is it more† (Hemingway 81)? Because Santiago had previously established a kinship with the fish, he questions his pride-motivated actions, whether or not his obtaining of immortal greatness justifies killing a noble brother. It soon becomes clear that these means are not justified. Santiago begins to apologize to the fish numerous times, first for the sharks that mangle its body, then for killing it in the first place (Hemingway 85). Eventually, Santiago says, â€Å"‘I shouldn’t have gone out so far, fish,’ he said. ‘Neither for you nor for me. I’m sorry, fish’† (Hemingway 85). In this quotation, Santiago laments his quest for greatness (â€Å"I shouldn’t have gone out so far†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) and asserts that it destroyed both him and the fish. Therefore, despite the completion of his goal to catch a great fish, Santiago fails in his quest for immortal greatness because he realizes that killing a creature equal in greatness and nobility to himself, a creature he calls his brother, is ignoble. He even acknowledges this failure after he returns to shore, when he recognizes that nothing outside himself actually beat him in his quest: â€Å"And what beat you, he thought. ‘Nothing,’ he said aloud. ‘I went out too far’† (Hemingway 93). Only his desire for immortal greatness defeated him and barred him from achieving it, that is, if it was ever possible for him to achieve it at all. Therefore, in Ernest Hemingway’s â€Å"The Old Man and the Sea,† Santiago fails in his quest to acquire immortal greatness. He begins by thinking of the fish as his to take, the means by which he can obtain greatness, but after realizing his own mortality he understands the fish’s equality to himself and regrets taking its life, which led to the stripping of its flesh, its physical greatness. Thus, the nobility of both the old man and the fish are ruined, and he certainly fails to seal his name as an eternal presence of greatness. Perhaps his quest was doomed from the beginning; immortal greatness was never possible for the old man.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Brief History of the Bauhaus :: essays research papers

An architect named Walter Gropius founded the Bauhaus in 1919 in Weimar, Germany. Gropius’ main objective of the school was to use each student’s creativity to change industrial and architectural ideas by integrating, into them, visual art. The Bauhaus sought to change the ideas of the industrial society that began in the beginning of the century. In the early Bauhaus, painters like Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky joined the school to teach advanced ideas of form, color and space. Klee’s work used subject matter that translated into graphical signs and symbols that invoked strong visual communications. He integrated modern art with the work of nonwestern cultures and children that charged visual communications. Kandinsky’s work at the school was based on his belief in the strong spiritual values of color and form. He taught his firm belief in the use of color and visual elements to depict the artist’s mood without the use of subject matter. Johannes Itten also played a major role in early Bauhaus. He taught a preliminary course in which his goals were to release each students creativity and to better their understanding of the physical nature of materials. Itten emphasized visual contrasts and and the analysis of Old Master paintings. He eventually left the school in 1919 because of a disagreement of how the course was to be conducted. Laszlo Moholy-Nagy took Ittens place later that year. Moholy-Nagy was a relentless experimenter who brought in new materials such as acrylic resin and plastic and later introduced students to new techniques such as photomontage and photogram. He also placed great emphasis on the use of type as â€Å"a tool of communication†. The school eventually moved on to Dessau, Germany because of tension between the school and the Weimar government. There was tension from the beginning but nothing was done until a new, more conservative administration had come into power. This led to the resignation of the director and it’s masters. Two weeks after this the students of the school each wrote letters to the government stating that they would be leaving along with the masters. The school was moved to a temporary facility in Dessau until a new school was designed and occupied in the fall of 1926. During the Dessau period the schools philosophy and identity came into full fruition. The Bauhaus Corp. was created, allowing the sale of prototypes created at the school to the industry.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Joel-Peter Witkin :: essays research papers

A partir des annà ©es 1970 qui marquent la fin de l’à ¢ge d’or du photojournalisme, de nombreux photographes, qu’ils soient autodidactes ou qu’ils aient bà ©nà ©ficià © d’une formation spà ©cialisà ©e, examinent, assimilent et s’imprà ¨gnent tellement des recherches et des rà ©ussites de leurs prà ©dà ©cesseurs qu’ils les incorporent d’une faà §on ou d’une autre dans leur propre crà ©ation. Joel-Peter Witkin, qui a visità © les musà ©es depuis son adolescence et qui a à ©tudià © l’histoire de la photographie à   l’Università © du Nouveau-Mexique, est certainement l’une des figures les plus emblà ©matiques de ces gà ©nà ©rations d’aprà ¨s la Deuxià ¨me Guerre mondiale qui reconnaissent leurs hà ©ritages et leurs filiations. Certes, il est nà © en 1939, mais depuis qu’il rà ©alise les tableaux photographiques qui lui ont dà ©jà   assurà © une renommà ©e inte rnationale, il se rà ©fà ¨re rà ©gulià ¨rement aux peintres (Archimboldo, Rubens, Goya, Và ©lasquez, Courbet, etc.) et aux photographes (Mayer et Pierson, Fenton, Marey, Weegee, Horst, Man Ray, etc.) dont il apprà ©cie la contribution à   l’histoire de l’art. Comme ses pairs, il sait que l’art ne naà ®t pas de rien et qu’il se nourrit autant des idà ©es et des formes qu’il a dà ©jà   engendrà ©es, que des composantes de la socià ©tà ©, religieuses, politiques, à ©conomiques, sociales, techniques et autres. De mà ªme qu’il intà ¨gre dans son travail photographique, sans tricher, ses propres aspirations, sa propre quà ªte, Witkin assume ses sources d’inspiration et il rend rà ©gulià ¨rement hommage à   ceux qui participent, tant spirituellement que plastiquement, à   la genà ¨se de ses Å“uvres. L’exposition Joel-Peter Witkin, disciple et maà ®tre à ©claire le dialogue continu que le dà ©miurge entretient depuis vingt ans avec l’histoire de la photographie. A la fois poussà © par ses pulsions et impressionnà © par le â€Å"pouvoir du rà ©el† que la photographie peut reproduire, Witkin se sert de rà ©fà ©rences, à ©tablit des connivences, rà ©gà ©nà ¨re des Å“uvres qu’il affectionne et quelquefois, au prix d’une mue, les prolonge. Elles l’aident à   donner à   ses visions la force impà ©rieuse qu’elles requià ¨rent. Il trouve dans le patrimoine photographique des racines, des ferments, des repà ¨res, des suggestions qui alimentent son rapport au rà ©el et son rapport à   l’art. L’exposition permet d’apprà ©cier vingt-six Å“uvres de Witkin qu’il a lui-mà ªme mises en regard de photographies d’auteurs tels que Lewis Carroll, Fred Holland Day, Diane Arbus et Brassaà ¯.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How Does Poverty Affect People’s Health and Well-Being? Essay

The health and well-being of a person depends on lots of different circumstances. It is about finding a good work / life balance and feeling healthy in body as well as mind. It is about feeling good in what you do and who you are as a person, it is about achieving personal goals and accomplishing your hopes and dreams. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines Health as â€Å"a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity† A person has to be able to enjoy the things they do socially and physically, to be able to develop and sustain good relationships, whether personal or social, which makes them feel part of something and connected to others such as friends, family, colleagues and neighbours. They have to feel in control of their own lives and have a sense of belonging and meaning to their existence. This gives purpose for an enjoyable life and a good feeling about life in general. Ronald Labonte states that there are three sets of factors to health and well-being. They are Physical, Mental and Social. He shows how these are interconnected on his model of health and well-being. It shows the various outcomes from the different combinations and in what areas. Well-being can be achieved by doing things that we enjoy, developing good relationships with others, feeling good about our life and living conditions and having energy to enjoy it all. It is about having meaning and purpose to our lives. However, whole communities can be affected by good or bad health. This can be dependent on the environment and area they live in as well as their current situation and what they do. Living in an area which has a high level of deprivation can have a big impact on a persons well being and eventually it can take its toll on their health. Living in a neglected neighbourhood can change a persons characteristics as well as their behaviour. Low income, poor housing and no support can all contribute to poor health. A person’s income and education level can have an impact on their health and well-being. If a person is on low income then they may not be able to afford to live anywhere else. They may not be able to afford to keep their children in school. Relationships with your family and friends can also affect the way you feel and can have an impact on your well-being and mental health and this could be positive or negative depending on the relationship. If for example you live in an area where you have no support from family or friends you may feel isolated and alone and if the neighbourhood is not a safe one you may be afraid to go out therefore never getting to meet new people or get the relevant help you need. People who live in poverty are usually claiming state benefits to survive. Poverty is defined in two ways, Absolute and Relative. Absolute poverty has been defined as â€Å"a minimum subsistence level based on essentials for survival† These are the basic human needs, food, water, clothes, sanitation, health, shelter, education and information. Relative poverty describes your current standard of living. It is â€Å"having an income which is less then 60% of the national average Relative poverty is measured on the fluctuations in the â€Å"average† income rather then a fixed rate making it difficult to measure. Living on a low income especially with a family to raise is hard work and very stressful. This can cause tension and arguments in the family which could eventually lead to the breakdown of the family unit and create even further issues. Trying to provide for children in regards to material things such as mobile phones, televisions, iPods, laptop etc can be emotionally and physically draining. It can be difficult trying to keep up with the moving trends while still trying to put food on the table and keep your children happy. Children living in poverty may be at a higher risk of being bullied at school for not having the right shoes and latest fashions. This could cause major mental and emotional issues for the child which they could end up carrying into adulthood. They may stop performing well at school and eventually leave without any qualifications which could lead to difficulties in gaining employment. This will then re-enforce their low self esteem and self worth and perhaps they will fall into a life of crime or become addicted to drugs and alcohol. Also due to lack of education and resources they could become promiscuous and young girls may end up pregnant. They perhaps will not stay together with the father of the child and the girl will end up a lone parent claiming benefits. Poor diet can have a big impact on a person health. People may not be able to afford to purchase food that is good for them, like fresh fruit and fresh vegetables. They may have to buy cheaper alternatives which will not have the same nutritional value as fresh produce and they end up with a higher risk of suffering health issues and dying young. Due to a poor diet some pregnant woman can end up having babies that are under weight. These children may then suffer long term health issues leading all the way into adult hood reducing the amount of time that they will actually live. They are at a higher risk of developing physical conditions such as hearing and sight defects. Mental health is a main cause for concern in low income areas and money worries can lead to anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, insomnia and perhaps even suicide. Having little or no money limits the activities you can do and prevents people from taking part in leisurely pursuits like taking holidays or being able to visit family and friends in a different location. This can eventually take its toll on your mood and outlook on life. Living in poverty can also lead to social exclusion. If people are socially excluded they lack opportunities and resources. The government states that: â€Å"social exclusion happens when people or places suffer from a series of problems such as unemployment, discrimination, poor skills, low incomes, poor housing, high crime, ill health and family breakdown† People can sometimes feel trapped in their own neighbourhoods even more so if that neighbourhood has a bad reputation and you’re trying to find employment. Having to say where you live could potentially reduce your chances of securing a job. Employers may not want to hire someone from a bad neighbourhood. Living in an area with poor housing conditions or lack of facilities can have an impact on a person’s state of mind. Social problems may be an issue, perhaps there is a high level of crime in the area, underage drinking could be rife, children may have no where safe to play and parents from other neighbourhoods may not want their children mixing with children from a neighbourhood with a bad reputation. There may not be any local facilities near by like shops, medical centre, leisure areas etc From reading chapter 7 there are many examples of how poverty affects people and mainly I feel that it is the women in the community that feel the effect more. Always having to budget before going shopping, knowing precisely what they need so that they have enough money when it comes to paying for it. Not being able to do any leisure pursuits or do fun things like taking a trip to the cinema can have a negative impact on the family as a whole therefore perhaps relationships within the family break down. Many women go without so that there will be more for their children and husband. No wonder these women end up depressed about there current situation, It must be hard work always worrying about money and whether their will be enough to feed the family. It seems like a relentless situation. It must cause social and mental anxiety for a person therefore creating negative affects. These negative feelings and emotions can lead to illnesses such as fatigue, stress, high blood pressure, weight gain or loss, headaches, insomnia, loss of appetite etc. You may also feel embarrassed, disrespected and resentful. You may also feel worthlessness at times about the whole situation. Living in poverty can have a demoralising effect on your health and well-being. Not eating proper healthy food, not getting the right treatment for health issues, drinking and smoking to excess, these are just some things that will have a negative effect on your life and will reduce it considerably. If you can remove some barriers and try to make good of things and turn all the negatives into positives, then you can slowly start to change the outlook on your life and over time improve your health and well-being. Community programme’s like Thornhill Plus You programme can have a really positive effect on the neighbourhood and the people who live in it. Living in a good positive health neighbourhood will have an impact on the people who live there. In the Ronald Labonte model of health and well-being, living conditions and control over our lives are contributing factors to our well-being.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How Scholarly Articles Broaden the Students Understanding of Any Given Subject

How Scholarly Articles Broaden the Students Understanding of Any Given Subject Scholarly Articles Broaden the Students Outlook The student in higher education may ask: Beyond being required to incorporate them into my essays and papers, how are academic articles important? How exactly can they enhance my understanding of a subject? And don’t I get plenty of information from a course’s textbook? So Why Are They Important? A scholarly article is a short document written by an expert to convey and explore new information on a given subject. They are sources of high-quality information written by experts in a certain field – experts, by the way, who may have dedicated their entire life or career to exploring a subject. Scholarly articles, usually published by an academic press, are most always subject to a peer-review process, which means that in order for an article of this sort to be published a specialist or expert in the field must first evaluate its content, sources, and argument or analysis for quality and originality. This means that ALL the information conveyed in a scholarly article is credible, accurate and therefore beneficial to the student’s understanding of a subject and its real-world relevance and current applications. To put it plainly, scholarly articles, which are found in academic periodicals, are very advantageous to the student. Indeed most students will familiarize themselves with scholarly articles because students are generally required to include them in their research, their essays and their papers; students are usually required to evaluate an article’s content to expand on the topics they themselves are making in their academic work. But scholarly articles can also provide the student – perhaps one who may be struggling with grasping a subject or topic – with a general understanding of a subject. In some cases a textbook may only provide a student with a limited perspective on a topic or issue – while the scholarly article may offer differing viewpoints on a subject, perhaps providing both sides to a controversial subject, as well as explaining which side is more practical and why. They provide the student with the most up-to-date information on a subject, are good sources for generating ideas for papers and presentations, and are often briefer and sometimes easier to comprehend than maybe a textbook’s stale, one-sided and outdated approach in explaining a subject. Rather than providing a simple overview of the subject, which is the case with most textbooks, scholarly articles examine a subject, topic or issue in a practical way. An article of this sort reports on original research or experimentation, the kind usually only generalized in a textbook, and expands on that information and looks at a subject more in depth. The enduring purpose of these kinds of articles is to be made available to the rest of the scholarly or academic world. Scholarly articles can broaden a student’s understanding of a given subject or topic because those writing them are required to list the sources they used to write their article, in the form of footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies. The student looking to expand their knowledge on a subject can then look up any combination of these used sources, read them thoroughly, and as result will begin to familiarize themselves with a topic on several different levels. always strives to utilize top quality scholarly articles in its work. This ensures maximum quality and relevance of information that gets incorporated into our projects. For most disciplines the requirement is that all information should be no older than five years and from this stand, scholarly articles are an invaluable source of information. Feel free to contact us anytime and we guarantee you will get a quality product. is the service you can trust!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Noble Gas Core - Definition in Chemistry

Noble Gas Core - Definition in Chemistry Noble Gas Core Definition A noble gas core is an abbreviation in an atoms electron configuration where the previous noble gass electron configuration is replaced with the noble gass element symbol in brackets. Writing an electron configuration using the noble gas core can save you a lot of time! Examples Sodium has an electron configuration of: 1s22s2p63s1The previous noble gas on the periodic table is neon with an electron configuration of: 1s22s2p6 If this configuration is replaced by [Ne] in sodiums electron configuration it becomes: [Ne]3s1 This is the noble gas core notation of sodium. With a more complex configuration, the noble gas core becomes even more helpful. Iodine (I) has a standard electron configuration of: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p5 The noble gas prior to iodine on the periodic table is krypton (Kr), which has the electron configuration: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p6 This is the noble gas core for iodine, so the shorthand notation for its electron configuration becomes: [Kr]5s24d105p5

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Albinism Essays - Skin Pigmentation, Albinism, Free Essays

Albinism Essays - Skin Pigmentation, Albinism, Free Essays Albinism Albinism is a term used to describe people and animals that have little or no pigment in their eyes, skin, or hair. People with this condition have inherited genes that do not produce normal amounts of a pigment called melanin. It is equally common to all races and consists of two major classes. The first, Oculocutaneous albinism includes eyes, skin, and hair. Ocular, the second, involves mainly the eye. The oculocutaneous variety can be divided into 10 different types, the most common being ty-negative and ty-positive. Ty-negative leaves the person with no melanin pigmentation, hampers vision to a much more severe degree then ty-positive, and is caused by a genetic defect in the enzyme called tyrosinase. People with ty-positive will have very slight pigmentation and fewer vision problems. Ocular albinism may give the bearer slightly light hair and skin color, compared with the rest of their family, as well as the more obvious affects to their eye. The pigment loss may allow for involuntary back-and-forth movement of the eyes, crossed eyes, and sensitivity to bright light. Nerves going from the brain to the eye are not routed properly and have more never fibers crossing to the opposite side of the brain than normal. Both types of albinism are passed from parent to child and almost always require that both parents carry an albinism gene. This is referred to as autosomal recessive inheritance and the parents may have normal pigmentation, yet carry the gene and have a baby with albinism. A new test can now identify carriers of the gene for ty-negative and any other types where the tyrosinase enzyme doesnt function. A blood sample is used to determine if the gene is present by reading the DNA. X-linked inheritance differs from autosomal recessive inheritance, because only the mother carries the gene. The albinism gene is passed on the X chromosome from the mother to almost always her son. It can be recognized by ophthalmologist because of subtle eye changes. Albinism is unselective in race. Caucasians and non-Caucasians share this gene defect equally. One in 17,000 people have some type of albinism. In the autosomal recessive inheritance, if both parents carry the gene-yet neither have albinism, there is a one in four chance that the baby from each pregnancy will be born with albinism. Treatment of albinism consists primarily of visual rehabilitation. Surgery can be used to correct crossed eyes, but does not correct problem with the routing of nerves, so does not give binocular vision. Sensitivity to bright light can be combated with tints or sunglasses. Some specific optical aids, such as bifocals and magnifiers, are also very helpful to this condition. The affects of this disease are not reversible, however because it is a part of their genetic makeup and can only be help with some of these types of aids. Albinism is a very misunderstood condition and because of this children can have a tough childhood. They are prone to isolation due to the misunderstandings. People question there parenthood, possibly thinking that it is a mixed marriage and outcast them. They may face criticism and ridicule in the classroom. Other students will not be able to understand why they appear this way and deal with it the best way they know how, laughing, smirking, giggling, etc. Children with albinism may need special emotional support from both their parents and teachers. They should be included in all group activities as well, so they dont stand out.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Recycled Black Berry phones Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Recycled Black Berry phones - Assignment Example Activity durations can be defined as the procedure of estimating the amount of work related periods which would be required in order to accomplish respective activities within the approximated resources. With reference to the prepared Gantt Chart of the activities, it can be determined that the entire project schedule related to recycling of Blackberry phones would require six activities to be undertaken. The first activity is collection and arrangement of all report relating to the availability of manpower and resources. This activity will require approximately four weeks’ time period. In order to complete this activity, the three major estimated resources that will be required include project manager who would manage the whole project. Apart from this, the HR manager would help the project manager by providing relevant report with regard to the competent and skilled manpower resources, who would be able to take part in this project. Production manager would also be a key pla yer and resource who would aid the project manager through rendering information about various production related activities that would be a key element of the project. Moreover, the second activity of the recycled Blackberry phones project is preparing a brief framework about the immediate tasks concerning the procurement of additional resources. For fulfilling this activity, there will be a need of around six weeks’ time and the required resources will be new technology which will help for building the framework and providing proper guidelines for the resources. With human resources manager and procurement manager’s help the project manager will be able to fulfill the activity. ... around six weeks’ time and the required resources will be new technology which will help for building the framework and providing proper guidelines for the resources. With human resources manager and procurement manager’s help the project manager will be able to fulfill the activity. The third activity is to make suitable amount of improvements in relation to the available facilities in the plant in a timely basis. In order to accomplish this activity, the required duration would be three weeks and it can be possible to be undertaken after completing the above two activities. For completing this task, there is a need of obtaining valuable inputs from site manager who can aid the project manager to design the plan for the recycled Blackberry phones. Availability of updated facilities in the plant can enable the project to regulate in a smooth manner. Apart from site manager, there is requirement of deriving valuable contributions from workers along with registering a pro per budgetary plan for completing the project. Another activity related to the project is setting provisions pertaining to the basic requirements concerning proper electricity backup, machinery requirements and technical assistance among others. For completing this activity, a work period of four weeks will be required and it will be started before finishing the third activity as the activity of improving the plant could be completed successfully only with the aid of technical assistance and machinery upgradation. For electricity backup, there is a need to ensure the availability of inverter and computer backup through UPS technology. Apart from these, in order to regulate this activity, the valuable inputs of an electrical engineer along with workers in terms of technical assistance would be

Friday, October 18, 2019

Cultural Barriers for Women in Education in the United Arab Emirates Research Paper

Cultural Barriers for Women in Education in the United Arab Emirates - Research Paper Example Building and developmental activities within any country requires collective efforts by both men and women. It is of profound importance that women participate in productivity without being left behind since this leads to an unbalanced rhythm of life.In this case, women considering their education and employment opportunities are considered well-placed to impact country’s development within political, economical, educational as well as social sectors.Currently, the world is experiencing a rise in the population of women as well as gradual educational opportunities that coincide economics in traditional attitudes towards women role in the society. The works of Al-Adhab (1992), asserts that the rapidly changing needs of the UAE as a country calls for involvement of women who are required to broaden their understanding of work and active participation in the planning of development activities and careers.  Ã‚   This study focuses on understanding of barriers that limit national women’s entry, as well as career progression. Such knowledge is important since it can be used in empowering national female educators. This ensures that women are considered as integral part of the workforce making their leadership roles a key factor towards realization of UAE government goal of Emiratisation.This research study complements earlier researches by other authors by providing an additional dimension in considering cultural barriers that surround women education and participation in national development.  Ã‚  

Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Business Plan - Essay Example However there have been various gaps in the service standards of online shopping. This paper is about a business plan of Online China Shopping Mall. The first section deals with the business viability of the proposal. Marketing mix is explained in the next section where the product, pricing, place and promotional strategies will be discussed. Entrepreneur skills and leadership styles are the next section which is followed by the human resource strategies. The supply chain management is another important factor of the online retailing that is discussed in the last section followed by conclusion of the paper. There is a good scope within the retail segment for variety of goods and products. These include clothing, fashion and apparel marketing, grocery stores, pharmacy, electronics, fast food and many others. There are number of organization offering these services. These organizations are superstores like Wal-Mart or smaller neighborhood retail outlet. The strategies of these organizations are based on their target customer base, location and company. The average household wealth is higher in the metro areas. In the recent studies inner city areas have indicated a large consumer base and high concentration of wealth and buying power. These areas have low competition, lower operating cost, real estate prices and others which make these areas a good prospect for business. According to a study completed by ICIC and the Boston Consulting Group of the more than $85 billion in retail spending per year that inner cities represent (over 7% of all U.S. retail spending), $21 billion of this demand is going unmet. 1 According to Kalakotas and Robinson (1999) this Internet-based technology, allow the online application to integrate several business functions such as accounting, banking, finance, management and administrative control, supply chain management, selling chain management, data collection system, marketing, and also fund transfer. . E-commerce has become

Thursday, October 17, 2019

United States Military Foreign Policy Assignment

United States Military Foreign Policy - Assignment Example Aside from militaristic efforts, the federal government also sought to increase its own power and ability to utilize all of their resources in order to win the war on terror. The President’s power was Constitutionally expanded in a time of war, so 9/11 permitted the government to implement these wartime powers, including the increase of domestic and international surveillance (known by the Bush administration as the â€Å"dark side†) and the â€Å"secret document† signed by President George W. Bush (unbeknownst to many in the administration) instituting military tribunals to hold and try known terrorists, as opposed to civilian courts guaranteed by the Constitution. The events of 9/11 enabled the federal government and U.S. military to expand their interests and presence in regions which previously seemed impossible. In order to convince the recently-patriotic American people that U.S. military intervention was necessary, they focused on the oppressive governments of the nation’s enemies. They put forth the ideals and values evident in the American Constitution articulated over two hundred years ago, in which every nation must hold democratic elections and a certain set of basic rights should be guaranteed to all citizens despite race, creed or economic standing. The fascist regime of Saddam Hussein fit perfectly into the mold of murdering oppressors who must be ousted from power to help people incapable of helping themselves.  

Discuss the effectiveness of the approach to recruitment and selection Assignment

Discuss the effectiveness of the approach to recruitment and selection at Jinnikins Jeans - Assignment Example A weak organizational culture can negatively affect an organization’s financial performance through lowering its turnover. An organization with weak structures and unclear processes incurs high operational costs. Furthermore, this can present negative future implications if the situation is not handled well. This paper explores the human resource situation at Jinnikins jeans and suggests possible courses of action. Introduction Jinnikinns jeans was founded in the late 90s by two brothers, namely Trevor and George who were both born and raised in East London. Their business model specialized in fashionable girl’s items, which were sourced from India. Local and value for money concept drove the business model. In their township, they established numerous cloth stalls from in London and Birmingham, and by the end of the 1190s, their business was held as a model of youthful entrepreneurship. Amos (2008, p. 180) categorically states that the business model of Jinnikinns was more informal as this was in line with their business style. It was equipped with a combination of their value of entrepreneurship, determination, creativity, and design. The two brothers accelerated their expansion in the mid 2000 through buying existing textile firms and conforming them to their own business design. Despite the vigor and psyche associated with this business model, the organization has continued to experience a low turnover in the recent past. The heavy investment in high-tech, state-of-the art building in Moseley has made its turnover to the tune of multi-millions (Kidner, 2012, p. 54). The new secretariat houses the Chairman of the Board, Managing Director, marketing, Finance Department, Information Technology, Human Resource Management, Design, Distribution and Fleet, and recently Production Department. The brand continues to generate volume sales basically through departmental stores in major cities. Others include leisure and outlets for children's clothing. T he board is considering using their own identity chain stores with the aim of expanding the firm’s market share from the current 9.75% (Kidner, 2012, p. 189). According to the latest financial reports, the firm’s gross turnover decreased by 31% and there is no clear explanation of the fall (Kidner, 2008, p. 190). This incidence; however, has caused no panic, as the brand â€Å"denim/jeans† is a universal brand, but its relative performance is high compared to its main competitors (Amos, 2008, p. 54). People Management The human resource department (HRM) is crucial in the implementation of policies regarding the workforce. The department is vital as it acts as a mediator between the employees and the employer, thereby bridging the gap between the two. One of the important roles that the department undertakes is to communicate the needs of the employees to the employer. On the other hand, the needs of the employer are communicated to the employees through the huma n resource department. An effective h resource human resource department can eliminate the need for trade unions as is represents the interests of both sides without bias. A human resource department that is not representative of employees’ interests can result to riots, strikes, go-slows wich can directly affect the productivity of the organization. Upon completion of their new building, Jinnikin’s top brass is housed in a single unit. George is the Chair of the board and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

United States Military Foreign Policy Assignment

United States Military Foreign Policy - Assignment Example Aside from militaristic efforts, the federal government also sought to increase its own power and ability to utilize all of their resources in order to win the war on terror. The President’s power was Constitutionally expanded in a time of war, so 9/11 permitted the government to implement these wartime powers, including the increase of domestic and international surveillance (known by the Bush administration as the â€Å"dark side†) and the â€Å"secret document† signed by President George W. Bush (unbeknownst to many in the administration) instituting military tribunals to hold and try known terrorists, as opposed to civilian courts guaranteed by the Constitution. The events of 9/11 enabled the federal government and U.S. military to expand their interests and presence in regions which previously seemed impossible. In order to convince the recently-patriotic American people that U.S. military intervention was necessary, they focused on the oppressive governments of the nation’s enemies. They put forth the ideals and values evident in the American Constitution articulated over two hundred years ago, in which every nation must hold democratic elections and a certain set of basic rights should be guaranteed to all citizens despite race, creed or economic standing. The fascist regime of Saddam Hussein fit perfectly into the mold of murdering oppressors who must be ousted from power to help people incapable of helping themselves.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Annuncistion by Francesco Bissolo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Annuncistion by Francesco Bissolo - Essay Example This was a celebrated and popular technique employed mostly by the Venetian School. The employment of this technique is palpable in the painting through the use of color richly especially in the room of Mary. The use of soft tonalism is also present in the painting through the light that illuminates her chamber during the morning depicted in the painting (Zirpolo, 23). The painting is rich in shade, and use of bright colors is evident. This technique is appropriate in the message it was depicting since it creates an atmosphere of life and joy that characterized the actual event in the bible. The artist uses the Venetian style brilliantly to this effect through the incorporation of color and light to show the mystery of religion in art. His technique causes the viewers to reflect on the painting since it looks to have an inner meaning, which the viewer tries to decipher. The use of this technique enabled the painter to put elaborate details on the painting. This is evident in the pain ting through the appearance of Mary’s room, and the landscape on the background. The characters faces exhibit the use of silhouettes with both Mary and the angel’s faces are illuminated by the artist’s use of light. The painting was fabricated during a period where Venice was at its peak as a European trade center. This facilitated for the development of art in the city, and one of the notable contributions was the creation of the Venetian School. During the Renaissance eon in Europe, each School was distinguished using its own peerless style that was studied to excellence by the artists (Bourdua and Dunlop, 37). The Venetian style, evident in the painting, was distinct through its style in the use of color and lighting techniques that made its paintings unique. The School also employed the use of the oil medium to perfection through the mastery of its use. This School was also characterized by the interweaving of the Byzantine styles and Gothic influences. This involved the use of rich color creating a festive feel in the paintings. The development of the painting during this period also saw it assume some Renaissance inclinations, which were bolstered by the permeation of Florentine influences, in that the style had extended towards Padua (Duby and Lobrichon, 57). Religion was a key element in the art during this eon. Most of the issues that the artists painted about were influenced significantly by religion. This is evident where the painters depict an event in the bible. This is because life during the period was heavily inclined to religion, and the church had a foothold on the art in the period. The great painters of the time used the pretext of religion to describe the daily life of the inhabitants of Venice. Nevertheless, the School was affected adversely with the diminishing of the position of the city as a business hub. The church also was key in the ebbing of Venetian art, with the feudalism employed by the church during this pe riod (Dubyand Lobrichon, p68). This decline saw titian, one of the great painters at the time, show sighs of crisis in his work in that there was a presence of psychological conflicts in his work. This was because of the different influences dominant at the time and their conflicting interests. The School of Venice boasts some of the greats in the art world during the Renaissance period. The esteemed list boasts of names like Titian, Michelangelo and many more. This shows the

Stone Cold Authors Craft Essay Example for Free

Stone Cold Authors Craft Essay Write an analytical response to the opening chapters of Robert Swindells Stone Cold, with specific reference to the authors craft. Every novel needs an effective opening. If it wasnt any good, we probably wouldnt read the novel! How do authors try and make the opening paragraphs of their books effective? Writers try to hook the reader into reading their book, by making a strong narrative pull; they try to make the reader want to know whats going to happen next? so that they read on. They do this with the aid of the authors craft. The authors craft is like a writers secret code of story telling. Its their nifty gizmo, and they call it their craft. Its basically their way of writing, and it is made up of two main parts; narrative elements and literary devices. Every author has a craft, but they all use it in different ways and in this essay I aim to show how Robert Swindells has used it, in the opening paragraphs of his book, Stone cold. Literary devices, as can be worked out from its name are the tools and techniques that authors use to make their work more meaningful and significant. Narrative Elements set out the story and its structure in different aspects, for instance its plot, characters and setting. Swindells has mastered the use of characterization in the opening paragraphs of his novel, and even in his first sentence, he characterizes his main character: You can call me Link. Links tone and wording makes him seem friendly -so the reader knows what sort of personality Link is of- and eager to talk to the reader directly, via the pronoun you. And by putting the words you and me in one sentence Swindells also makes the first sentence emotion as Link is connecting to the reader directly. The opening sentence in a way welcomes the readers into the book. It also seems a bit random, because we dont know at all whats going on. So this makes the reader eager to know why the character would want to be called by an alias, so would therefore read on to find out. In the same way, in the next paragraph another character is shown. The way he talks is very different to how the previous character did, so it is evidently clear he isnt the same person. By starting of with just Shelter and the often repetition of the word, it shows this character is quite full of himself. Unlike Link, this character doesnt at all use the word you, so is clearly not talking to the reader, but rather to himself. Swindells uses the technique of foreshadowing here. Here it is shown in advance that Shelter is a bit crazy, hence he is talking to himself. This is consequently proved later on in the novel, when the deeply disturbed Shelter, stores his murdered victims corpses under his floor boards, after making them presentable with clothing and haircuts. He seemed to care for the victims he despised in life, undoubtedly making him a lunatic. In the opening sentences Swindells uses a metaphor, to make the reader want to read on and question: Im invisible, see? One of the invisible people. Swindells does this to make the reader question as to why Link would say that, whats going on in his life to make him feel neglected? This makes the reader nosy and want to read on. Its also emotional, because Links manner of saying this kind of touch the heart. He says it as if no one cares about him, and he shows he is upset about it. Once again this makes the reader want to read on to find out why he feels like that, but the answer is revealed truly in the end of the book, when another character called Gail betrays him. Swindells does this so that the reader has to finish the book. In the last sentence of Links paragraph, Swindells expertly uses irony. Link says: Ill tell you the story of my fascinating life. It is obvious here that Link is being sarcastic as he seems depressed and hurt, and the reader does not expect Link to say this due to his negative attitude, even though to a normal person it probably would be fascinating. All this emphasizes on the fact that Link is the main character and the book is about his fascinating life. This makes the reader once again want to read on. As can be seen, most literary devices are aimed to make the novel more exiting to make the reader carry on reading. Throughout the second paragraph the technique of parallel structure is used. All the sentences are short and snappy: Its what theyre all seeking. The street people. What they crave. This creates a rhythm to what Shelter says and makes it confusing but satisfying; this makes the reader think about what is being said. The short sentences also grab the attention of the reader and make the reader think and wonder whether possibly the reason Link was sitting in the doorway was possibly because he was one of the street people, so may possibly be homeless. Furthermore the thing Link wanted from the passer-bys was money. In the same way the reader might jump to other conclusions, so carry on reading to find out if he was right and if not what else it could be. In the end of the second paragraph of the novel, Allusion is used. Well get fell in my lucky lads. Here Shelter is referring back to the army, when soldiers fall into line. This also gives a sense of foreshadowing because later on in the novel, the reader discovers that Shelter was actually from the army, and he creates a little a little army of his self with the homeless people or as he call them his lucky lads. From the opening chapters of Stone Cold, it is clear that even in a little extract of a novel authors use the authors craft quite a lot, and very complexly. The opening of this particular book is very effective and really does make the reader want to read on further in the book. People say that you cant judge a book by its cover and I agree with that. They should judge it by its opening paragraphs. If an author cant write the most important paragraph of a book properly, why would the rest of the novel be any different? Robert Swindells has written a successful novel here, and a lot of that goes onto the fact that he had a great opening paragraph.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Logistics Strategy For Brewery Industry Commerce Essay

The Logistics Strategy For Brewery Industry Commerce Essay There was a survey on distribution costs by institute of Logistics and Distribution Management in 1992. In this survey, it was recorded that 50% of the distribution costs are occurred in food and tobacco industry and therefore a careful planning is required to control these costs (Institute of Logistics and Distribution Management, 1991/92). These costs can be controlled by effective logistics management and logistics strategy. As far as brewery industry is concerned, a lot of distribution costs are incurred in transportation and logistics and to be a viable concern the brewery industry needs to implement a strong logistics strategy to overcome this problem. In our discussion, we will try to discuss the basic routing problems and vehicle scheduling and then we will try to design a strong logistics strategy to overcome this problem. Brewery Industry in UK is no more a piece of cake now. The market is now saturated and to be a successful market leader a brewery company needs to bring down its costs. The basic routing problem which a brewery industry faces is Selecting the best way or route available to deliver goods to the final consumers. The basic scheduling problem is Selecting the best time available to reach target customers. These problems are incurred whenever there are there is a complexity in the marketing channel system of an organization. The more complex the system, the more complicated the routing and scheduling problems in the logistics management. In our discussion below, we will try to review the strategies followed by a brewery industry and will make an attempt to recommend a valid logistics strategy in the context of UK Market. Analysis of a UK based brewerys current strategic position from a logistics perspective and Critical assessment of available opportunities to develop existing logistics capabilities. An Example of Scottish and New Castle plc: Scottish and New Castle plc is one of the largest UK based brewery groups. This group enjoys a strong financial back plus a pie of giant sales in the UK. The company has well defined market logistics systems and can easily have a competitive edge due to its systematic and professional operations. The Companys main operational parameters are: First the orders from the customers are collected on a telesales system which is also computerized. Then orders are manually punched to the companys main database and further screening is done over there such as credit limits and stocks available. Emergency orders are only accepted after estimating the order lead time for better customer service. They use heavy goods vehicles to transfer the bulk of goods at a time. This approach leads to lower costs and also opportunity cost of time. In case of customer claims a proper back hauling strategy is there to overcome the problem of customer churns and lower costs. The drivers and other crew members are paid properly which are involved in the distribution process. Despite of such a well managed system, there are some problems which need to be reviewed and addressed strategically. More Order to payment cycle Customer Privacy The streets in UK are mostly one way. There are certain government regulations in terms of weight limits. Inappropriate size of order shipments is there The need for a better computerized and technology management system. Drivers are strict to work for 9 hours despite the fact that it is a tough job. (Peter G. Eibl, Roddy Mackenzie, David B. Kidner, 1994) We can review these problems are opportunities which needs to address for a strong and loyal customer base. It is important to note here that business needs to focus on the customer and should have a broad definition of market for a strong and loyal customer base. The main threats to business problem and a source of missed market opportunities is the weak focus on the customer and competition. It is a habit of the market leaders to be strong and have a strong focus on market. These market leaders do not only focus on satisfying current consumer needs but also to see the needs of customers which no one is addressing. As a reason, they enjoy a sound profit and strong and loyal customer base (Roger J Best, 2008). Keeping the above views in mind, we can analyze as a beer manufacturing company, we need to analyze the untapped portion of the market and should need to implement such a logistics strategy to overcome over problem. It is important to note that this company has an experience of computerized vehicle routing and scheduling system. At first the company planned to use the computerized system in 1970, but due to less development in technology and some other constraints it was difficult to achieve this objective. An initial system was developed but it was difficult for the company to meet the demands of the customer appropriately and the cost of technology dropped in the British Market. This also led to the opportunity Technological Advancement. The Scottish and New Castle successfully gained advantage from this opportunity, adopted a computerized logistics management system and it is the secret of its success today in the UK Market (Peter G. Eibl, Roddy Mackenzie, David B. Kidner, 1994). Despite all the above conditions, the company enjoys a sound competitive and strategic position in the market and now we will see that how can we maximize these opportunities to overcome the problem. Since now we are talking about the scenario of 1991, the challenges which a brewery company faces in UK environment are nearly the same today for example they need to improve their logistics for better customer service and in this sense there is an opportunity for a brewing company to address this customer need to through proper routing and scheduling for customer convenience. According to the latest trends in brewery industry: There is more growth than before Competitive Turbulence Growth of Local companies competing the giants Extra Capacity and proper logistics and inventory management are the drivers of success and market leadership Economic Conditions have hit the beer market There is a new trend of mergers and acquisitions. (Society of Independent Brewers, Local Brewing Industry Report, 2009) If we analyze the Scottish and New Castle plc with respect to above trends in brewery industry then it is easy to find that we need an effective logistics management system to control over costs. We need to fully implement the Systems Concept and Total Costs Concept for designing a successful logistics strategy. All the above problems are actually opportunities available in the market. Evaluation of the key strategic approaches to logistics management that could be used by a UK based brewery: Strategic and Rational Logistics Planning for Scottish and New Castle plc: In the case of Scottish and New Castle plc, a lot of strategic planning and tactical approaches could be used for designing and strong logistics strategy. A proper an appropriate route planning must be done. In terms of longer routes some special incentives must be given to the drivers and the staff involved in logistics and operations. Unnecessary routes must be avoided to overcome this problem because the reason for that is they will cause costs higher. Using different vehicles to transfer goods to customers also incurs unnecessary costs. Using proper vehicles to deliver goods at the receiving facilities of consumers is a good approach to control the costs. It is also important to note here that all of our methodologies circle around costs. Only those logistics strategy will be successful which will Reduce Costs Provide Customer Convenience Inventory Management Integrated Order Processing. We will try to shape a logistics management strategy in the following scenarios: Fulfillment Management: First of all we need to plan about how to effectively deliver goods to the final consumers. Then we can decide about the best available options such as trucks or small vans to deliver goods to final consumers. As far as UK is less short of two way roads and most of the roads are one way. Therefore we could use larger trucks to deliver goods and services to final consumers. Secondly, It is important to analyze that would these transportation mediums will save us money or not. Extra shipments and lower order sizes of Scottish and New Castle plc will automatically cause extra burden to consumers. There should be a proper documentation and record keeping of transportation and distribution for future referencing and monitoring logistics costs. A proper warehousing system must be developed to ensure proper logistics management. For example, the warehouses must be located at a place near the marketing channels for quick transportation and costs. Small order sizes and uneven orders can ruin the distribution costs. A proper packaging technique must be used to store beer bottles for proper utilization of space and proper distribution of goods. Supply Chain Management: Proper customer service and inventory planning must be done in beer industry because the market is now at its maturity with more competitors and sophisticated customers. Some Master Production plans must be done for logistics management. Beer Industry in UK contains both price conscious and quality conscious customers therefore proper market segmentation and positioning is required by this brewery company. Most of the products fail in market because of their supply. An opportunity for Scottish and New Castle is to make their products widely available for strong consumer response. Effective reverse logistics system can be developed for better customer service. Demand Management: In order to effectively distribute goods to final consumers a proper demand forecasting must be done for cost effective delivery measures and options. Some time larger and excessive production leads to extra costs and are an additional burden over the company. On the other side an underproduction also leads to lose of customers. The consumers find value only in that product which is available easily. We can take help for demand management from our channel intermediaries as well. Channel Intermediaries for Scottish and New Castle plc can provide useful insights about the demand and tastes of consumers. In short we need a consumer point view while deciding about the routes and schedule for distribution of goods and services. In beer industry at UK, we can perform some research and development to reach the end consumers for a loyal customer base. We can redefine our routes by doing some research on what consumers want? (The Above Model was derived from E is for Excellence Leadership in Logistics By Heather Cartwright, PMP, P.Log. as published in LQ Magazine Spring 2004) Technology as a source of Advantage for Scottish and New Castle plc: As we discussed above that the company has already an experience in technology and technology by the company. It is an era of technology. The company had an experience of collecting orders through telesales and then manually entering the orders in a database. This is an era of technology. For proper order to payment cycle, one recommendation we would like to discuss here is that Scottish and New Castle has not yet developed an online system through internet on which the customers can place their orders. This strategy will help us to attract more and more customers and may definitely decrease order to payment cycle which is one of the costly areas of logistics management. Most of the beer customers today are youngsters and these youngsters use internet more than the people of other ages. Useful insights about the industry from consumer point of view can also be gained by collecting feedbacks from customers. Consumers today love to buy online because they are now more sophisticated and require more information. An online website works as a sales man. We do not need to hire separate professionals. Coming online will automatically a source of competitive advantage for the Scottish and New Castle plc because no one is addressing consumers through this medium of distribution in UK. Identifying the management issues caused by implementing a new logistics strategy with consideration for available capital, technical and human resources: Available Capital: The first problem that will arise from adopting this strategy is that we need to spend a lot in measuring consumer preferences and perceptions about logistics. This thing can cause problems of costing in the short run. For example, redesigning vehicle routes and scheduling is a very daunting task and we need to change our structure fully if we want to implement this strategy. More over we will need to purchase some new technological solutions if we want to do effective and computerized scheduling and routing of goods. Paying drivers more incentives will lead to higher costs and is an extra burden on the firm costs. The management will need to change the allocated overhead costs and new planning with a new allocation of capital overheads will create obstacles for the management to adopt this policy. But if we see the other side of the road then this addition is capital required will lead us profitability in the beer market. For example, by analyzing consumer tastes and preferences will lead to proper scheduling and routing of goods. Customer will be satisfied and it will help the Scottish and New Castle to capture more and more market share. Technical: We require more and more technical professionals in beer industry to operate the latest technological equipment for our professionals. While selecting technology it is important to note that technology must be compatible with the organizational structure and culture otherwise it would become a threat. Moreover while selecting technology, it is important to note that we need it should be sustainable for example it is difficult for the competitors to copy it. Technology is always costly. Apparently from management perspective, it seems that by adopting the new technology will lead us to higher costs rather the control of costs and quality in beer industry. But if we see the other side of picture then we can analyze that using technology will easily help to gain higher profits and better logistics management. For example, by hiring technological professionals will increase the management skills and expertise for Scottish and New Castle plc. We already had an experience in technology since 1970, as we have seen above; we can experience and use technology in different dimensions. Moreover, there is no compatibility issue of adopting the computerized technology for logistics management as we are already using a telesales system to record customer orders. Some new techniques like RFID or Electronic Data interchange must be used in technology which can easily enable us to track where a product is at this time in the marketing channel. Going online has tremendous advantages. We can be successful because there is a dramatic increase in online shoppers. No one is serving customers online. Going online will reduce the order to payment cycle with better customer service. It will also save us money for hiring extra professionals for customer dealing and service. Human Resources: Management concerns about the change in strategy would be they need to hire more and more professionals to manage their operations. For example for redesigning logistics strategy we need to hire a professional leader for research and development. Moreover, paying the logistics staff more benefits will lead to again more costs. Therefore, what is the benefit for adopting a new logistics strategy? But on the other side of river, we will earn revenues in a long run. For example, a logistics strategy will produce more and more customers and simply our revenues will increase. Therefore by hiring more and more professionals such as drivers, computer professionals will lead to more profitability and these costs were cover up in a very small time. Human Resources are the most important assets of any organization. By paying them more incentives will lead to more employee motivation and loyalty. Motivated employees are more valuable than golden nuggets for any organization. This motivated staff can be further trained to use the best available route and proper scheduling for reaching our logistics goals. Employees interact with our customers. Therefore by facilitating logistics employees will lead to very fruitful results in the future. Outlining the strategic significance of new technology developments and business trends on future logistic strategies for a beer manufacturer: Adapting new technology will open new dimensions for logistics management for a beer manufacturer like Scottish and New Castle plc. Some of them are discussed below: Using a computer or professional software and database of vehicle routing and scheduling will open new dimensions for logistics management. We will have a lot of savings than we are saving manually. For example by using RFID or EDI may it is costly for a beer manufacture to manage operations but we will have better inventory tracking and logistics management According to the recent trends in the market. Almost all the companies are now on web for reaching target customers. Moreover the number of online shoppers is increasing day by day. No one in the beer industry is serving the market online in UK. I think it is an untapped portion of the market and this portion can be tapped by going online. Selling goods to customer online will not only lower the costs of distribution but also but also reduce order to payment cycle. It is easy for customers to gather information from the web. Now the consumption patterns of the consumers have changed. Now the consumer is more sophisticated and more aware of its needs. In the past, there was trend the man earned and woman played the role of house keeper. But now there is blurring gender roles as the number of working women are increasing. Moreover there is poverty of time for consumers. In this case, while defining a logistics strategy, we should keep these things in our mind. (Management Review : Market and Strategy, 2009) Now due to competitive turbulence, we need to have a first mover advantage. People buy only those products which are most readily available and which they do not need to search for. In beer market, it would be really a strong strategy to gain a first movers advantage. This first movers advantage can be achieved by proper logistics strategy and inventory management. Conclusion: In our discussion, we have taken our point of discussion as Scottish and New Castle Inc as our point of discussion and as an example of how to adopt a successful logistics strategy in the beer market of UK. We have seen that there are a lot of opportunities available such as technology for developing and establishing a competitive advantage in the market. All these are simple measures but these simple measures can do a lot for us. For example, it can provide us better cost savings and better customer base. It can also provide us convenience in operations. Beer Industry is a food industry and according to research above that there are a lot of expenses in the logistics of food rather than any other product. Keeping the above strategy in mind, we can easily improve our logistics operations in the beer industry. But we also need to implement the continuous process improvement.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Computers :: essays research papers

Computers The Computer that you know these days is a small thing that sits on a desk in your room that is composed of a monitor, keyboard, mouse and a small box. But computers have changed so much that if you seen old computer you would never recognize it. The first computer was built in the early 17 hundreds. You probably heard that the first computer was made in the 1950’s but computers have been around for hundreds of years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All a computer is is something that calculates number. So these computers of the 1700’s were made from gears that worked together to make a answer. â€Å"In the nineteenth century, Englishman Charles Babbage designed a steam powered machine that could calculate square roots, cube roots and other exponential functions.† (1) The first computer was an abacus. â€Å"The Chinese abacus consists of a wooden frame divided into an upper and lower section.† (2) These are all computer that have been around 100’s of years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Latter in the 20th century the government started to work on a top-secret project. That was the birth of type of computer. Similar to your computer but still very vary different. You would probably still would have never have guest what it is. The computer had no screen and it was the size of a office building. This computer was programmed differently too instead of typing in to a computer they had to make cards with holes in it that stood for different thing for it to do. They first had to make a program for typing so that they could have a keyboard connected to it. But still that was not good enough they need a program so that they could use the keyboard program on the system. This is called a operating system. The operating system is a lot like windows, it’s what keeps your computer interactive with you. But at that time they didn’t have a operating system and had to create one. One of the first operating systems open to the public was DOS.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The computer for years had been improved to smaller and smaller parts to run it faster and faster. Soon the computer was the size of a house. By then everyone knew about a computer. It was not until 1985 that the computer industry was able to take off and become one of the most important necessities in this world.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

King Lear :: English Literature Essays

King Lear King Lear is a play written by William Shakespeare that focuses on the relationships of many characters, some good, some evil. This is a great tragedy that is full of injustice at the beginning and the restoring of justice towards the end. The good are misjudged as evil and the evil are accepted as good. It is not until the end of the play that the righteous people are recognized as such. There is great treachery and deceit involved in the hierarchy of English rule. The great mistake in this play was made by Lear when he decided to divide up his kingdom to his three daughters. In order to determine which share each should get, he had each of his daughters give testimonies of love for him. Cordelia, the youngest, refused to go overboard with her statement. When asked for her testimony, she simply replied, "Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave my heart into my mouth. I love your Majesty according to my bond, no more no less."(I,i, ln 91-93) Lear becomes enraged and casts ! her off saying, "Here I disclaim all my paternal care, propinquity and property of blood, and as a stranger to my heart and me hold this from thee for ever."(I,i, ln 113-116). Some think that Cordelia was prideful, or even a fool in her response, but I believe she was simply being honest and true. Another mistake that was made in the course of the play was by the Earl of Gloucester. After being tricked by his bastard son, Edmund, into believing that his other son, Edgar, was plotting to kill him, he put all his faith in Edmund, which would eventually lead to his demise. Besides believing that Cordelia was being true and honest to her father, I think that Lear and the Earl of Gloucester were fools, regarding the banishments of their righteous children. After reading this play, I found it hard to believe that Cordelia was being anything but true in her simple proclamation of love for her father. I can't believe that Shakespeare was trying to portray her as a spoiled, prideful child. I do not believe she was foolish in her decision to restrain from trying to persuade him into giving her a larger portion of his kingdom. I think it was apparent early that Cordelia was struggling with what she was going to say to her father.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Physiological Principles for Health and Social Care Essay

The circulatory system is the body’s transport system. It is made up of a group of organs that transport blood throughout the body. The heart pumps the blood and the arteries and veins transport it. Oxygen-rich blood leaves the left side of the heart and enters the biggest artery, called the aorta. The aorta branches into smaller arteries, which then branch into even smaller vessels that travel all over the body. When blood enters the smallest blood vessels, which are calledcapillaries, and are found in body tissue, it gives nutrients and oxygen to the cells and takes in carbon dioxide, water, and waste. The blood, which no longer contains oxygen and nutrients, then goes back to the heart through veins. Veins carry waste products away from cells and bring blood back to the heart , which pumps it to the lungs to pick up oxygen and eliminate waste carbon dioxide. Digestive System The digestive system is made up of organs that break down food into protein, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and fats, which the body needs for energy, growth, and repair. After food is chewed and swallowed, it goes down the esophagus and enters the stomach, where it is further broken down by powerful stomach acids. From the stomach the food travels into the small intestine. This is where your food is broken down into nutrients that can enter the bloodstream through tiny hair-like projections. The excess food that the body doesn’t need or can’t digest is turned into waste and is eliminated from the body. Endocrine System The endocrine system is made up of a group of glands that produce the body’s long-distance messengers, or hormones. Hormones are chemicals that control body functions, such as metabolism, growth, and sexual development. The glands, which include the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, thymus gland, pineal body, pancreas, ovaries, and testes, release hormones directly into the bloodstream, which transports the hormones to organs and tissues throughout the body. Immune System The immune system is our body’s defense system against infections and diseases. Organs, tissues, cells, and cell products work together to respond to dangerous organisms (like viruses or bacteria) and substances that may enter the body from the environment. There are three types of response systems in the immune system: the anatomic response, the inflammatory response, and the immune response. The anatomic response physically prevents threatening substances from entering your body. Examples of the anatomic system include the mucous membranes and the skin. If substances do get by, the inflammatory response goes on attack. The inflammatory system works by excreting the invaders from your body. Sneezing, runny noses, and fever are examples of the inflammatory system at work. Sometimes, even though you don’t feel well while it’s happening, your body is fighting illness. When the inflammatory response fails, the immune response goes to work. This is the central part o f the immune system and is made up of white blood cells, which fight infection by gobbling up antigens. About a quarter of white blood cells, called the lymphocytes, migrate to the lymph nodes and produce antibodies, which fight disease. Lymphatic System The lymphatic system is also a defense system for the body. It filters out organisms that cause disease, produces white blood cells, and generates disease-fighting antibodies. It also distributes fluids and nutrients in the body and drains excess fluids and protein so that tissues do not swell. The lymphatic system is made up of a network of vessels that help circulate body fluids. These vessels carry excess fluid away from the spaces between tissues and organs and return it to the bloodstream. Muscular System The muscular system is made up of tissues that work with the skeletal system to control movement of the body. Some muscles—like the ones in your arms and legs—are voluntary, meaning that you decide when to move them. Other muscles, like the ones in your stomach, heart, intestines and other organs, are involuntary. This means that they are controlled automatically by the nervous system and hormones—you often don’t even realize they’re at work. The body is made up of three types of muscle tissue: skeletal, smooth and cardiac. Each of these has the ability to contract and expand, which allows the body to move and function. Skeletal muscles help the body move. Smooth muscles, which are involuntary, are located inside organs, such as the stomach and intestines. Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart. Its motion is involuntary Nervous System The nervous system is made up of the brain, the spinal cord, and nerves. One of the most important systems in your body, the nervous system is your body’s control system. It sends, receives, and processes nerve impulses throughout the body. These nerve impulses tell your muscles and organs what to do and how to respond to the environment. There are three parts of your nervous system that work together: the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system, and the autonomic nervous system. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. It sends out nerve impulses and analyzes information from the sense organs, which tell your brain about things you see, hear, smell, taste and feel. The peripheral nervous system includes the craniospinal nerves that branch off from the brain and the spinal cord. It carries the nerve impulses from the central nervous system to the muscles and glands. The autonomic nervous system regulates involuntary action, such as heart beat and digestion. Reproductive System The reproductive system allows humans to produce children. Sperm from the male fertilizes the female’s egg, or ovum, in the fallopian tube. The fertilized egg travels from the fallopian tube to the uterus, where the fetus develops over a period of nine months. Respiratory System The respiratory system brings air into the body and removes carbon dioxide. It includes the nose, trachea, and lungs. When you breathe in, air enters your nose or mouth and goes down a long tube called the trachea. The trachea branches into two bronchial tubes, or primary bronchi, which go to the lungs. The primary bronchi branch off into even smaller bronchial tubes, or bronchioles. The bronchioles end in the alveoli, or air sacs. Oxygen follows this path and passes through the walls of the air sacs and blood vessels and enters the blood stream. At the same time, carbon dioxide passes into the lungs and is exhaled. Skeletal System The skeletal system is made up of bones, ligaments and tendons. It shapes the body and protects organs. The skeletal system works with the muscular system to help the body move. Marrow, which is soft, fatty tissue that produces red blood cells, many white blood cells, and other immune system cells, is found inside bones. Urinary System The urinary system eliminates waste from the body, in the form of urine. The kidneys remove waste from the blood. The waste combines with water to form urine. From the kidneys, urine travels down two thin tubes called ureters to the bladder. When the bladder is full, urine is discharged through the urethra.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

We Simply Cannot Wait

I was near the emergency ward of a hospital to claim my laboratory results when an ambulance came rushing in, carrying two victims of a vehicular accident, both of them seriously wounded and unconscious. From there I thought, should these things happen, who will the hospital attendants respond to, if both patients are in danger, both in need of immediate care, and both cannot wait, does the hospital have enough resources and capability to respond to such situations? Such reflections immediately come to mind when I read about Dr. Martin Luther King’s idea on the myth of time. Undoubtedly, he is right when he says, We Can’t Wait (2000) when dealing with problems in our country. . The attitude of waiting for time to come when all things will be good and beautiful is basically an old Christian tradition. Priests in the earlier times usually advise people to beg for God’s mercy and wait for His providence. In contrast, King tells us that while hunger and suffering per sist in the land, we cannot just wait until someone, like the government, finally decides to help us alleviate our sufferings. Applying this in broader terms, we realize that given the everyday struggle that Somali children face each day, we simply cannot wait for when donors will schedule sending relief goods. We need to act right away. Similarly, when we see people lying cold on the streets, we do not think of rallying in front of the senate the next morning to fight for their equal rights, we do not go to the social welfare to refer these people for help. While these actions could help the majority of the needy in the long run, these would take too much time, and before the government agency responds, the person would already be ill or dead. The challenge that Dr. King imposes in his article is timeless. It is addressed not only to the government, to civil rights organizations, or to wealthy businessmen. Rather, it is addressed to everyone, to all of us, regardless of race, gender, age, religion or economic status. This challenge requires only one thing, that is, to respond to the problem at hand, right away, right on time. Responding to this challenge, we give immediate help to those in need. To those feeling cold on the streets, we give out our jacket, old sheets, shirt, etc. Likewise, to those who are hungry, we provide some food and water. These things are not difficult, especially since we do not consume everything we have on our plate. When we eat, we always have some leftovers which we put inside the refrigerator, and most often, we forget about them so they still end up in the trash bin the next day. Moreover, reflecting on this challenge in the education area, teachers cannot take too much time before they respond to the needs of their students. In the classroom setting, they take responsibility over the needs of their students, and not wait for the school’s recommendations. Likewise, on a personal level, students extend help to others who are in need, and avoid feeling indifferent to the needs of their schoolmates. In sum, the challenge that Dr. King imposes on each of us requires our efforts to lift a finger and be good Samaritans to others. In addition, it also asks us not to discriminate, but rather help those in need regardless of their culture or origins. If we can exercise this in our everyday life, there will be less suffering. Therefore, the next time we encounter people needing our help, we should bear in mind the words of Dr. King, â€Å"We (simply) can’t wait. †

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Compare the U.S. Criminal Justice System to United Kingdom's (Britain) Research Paper

Compare the U.S. Criminal Justice System to United Kingdom's (Britain) Criminal Justice System - Research Paper Example The UK and the United States have extremely similar criminal justice systems, as well as extremely similar elements for a crime. This is because the American system is based upon the UK system, as both systems are based upon the common law. The criminal system is similar, in that, in both jurisdictions, there must be mens rea to be held guilty for a crime, in both jurisdictions a criminal may be exonerated for a crime, or at least held to a lesser standard, if there was sufficient provocation, and, in both systems, there is a thin or eggshell skull rule, although, in the United States, this rule is usually used exclusively for torts. These are some basic similarities to the elements for crimes in both jurisdictions. Beyond this, there are similarities in the systems themselves. Both systems treat mentally disordered offenders similarly, although England appears to have more options for this type of offender. In both systems, the victims ostensibly have rights, although these rights d o not seem to be enforced as much in England as they are in the United States. In both systems, there is some form of restorative justice or reparative justice, which means that the victim gets some type of compensation for his or her distress. American criminal law and English criminal law are very similar, because American law has, as its basis, English common law. Therefore, the elements for committing a crime would be similar in both countries. For instance, in both countries, there must be the proper mens rea that would have to be established for the crime.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Six Functions of Nonverbal Communication (Human Relations) Essay

Six Functions of Nonverbal Communication (Human Relations) - Essay Example Repeating refers to the action of constantly repeating a word in a manner that duplicates another’s utterance. In non verbal communication, the act of repeating statements non verbally involves the use of gestures and actions along with certain words. This has proven to be more effective in memory as people are able to recall these comments more easily (Adler & Rodman, 2012). Substitution refers to the action of replacing verbal with non verbal communication. However, this at times may be very hard to interpret. Examples of substitution include replacing words with actions such as a sigh or eye rolling as a sign of disapproval. This is usually prominent when an individual feels the situation is inappropriate for him or her to express himself verbally (Knapp, 2012). Complementing is another common trait of non verbal communication. This involves complimenting words with certain actions (Knapp, 2012). An example involves a boss vigorously pointing his finger at an employee showing his dissatisfaction and gives an impression that the employee has done something wrong. These gestures are often not formally acceptable and some individuals may be offended by them. However, they are more common and acceptable in domestic settings as a mother can show similar gestures when scolding her child. Accenting is a mode of non verbal communication which is utilized in emphasizing a certain part of verbal speech (Knapp, 2012). This possesses a similar trait to bold letters in a certain part of a sentence. This is similar to complementing however focuses on one aspect of a sentence. An example is pointing at an individual whilst saying his name which can be a sign of criticism or praise depending on the dialogue and atmosphere (Adler & Rodman, 2012). Non verbal communication also plays a role in regulating the flow of speech in a function known as regulating. This action involves cue such as intonation at the end of a sentence signaling another individual to

Monday, October 7, 2019

Marriege & Family Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marriege & Family - Assignment Example Young girls and boys are taught how to view marriage as a lifetime commitment and prepare adequately for it. I was fortunate enough to learn the values that should govern the marriage institution from a tender age. When I became of age and was ready to get married, I knew that I needed to find someone who could complete my life. I was well aware that I needed to have good qualities so that I could have something to contribute to my marriage. Therefore, I began to cultivate good qualities that define a noble wife before I got married. When I met my husband, I did not rush into a relationship. I ensured that I got to know him well enough and understood his strengths and weaknesses. Before we got married, we prepared adequately for our union. The most critical preparation was making decisions that could define our lives in marriage (Rubio 44). For example, were clear about the number of children we wanted to have, as well as how we would share responsibilities within our family. I ensured that we had similar perspectives regarding the most important aspects of life. Notably, two people cannot have exactly the same perspectives. However, some fundamental issues in marriage cannot work out if people have different perspectives. When I was sure that I could spend my life with him, we began to formalize our relationship. Finally, we held a beautiful wedding that marked the beginning of our marriage. We held a church wedding that symbolized our commitment before God and people. Therefore, it was obvious that separation or divorce was not an option from the start. My culture has strong values attached to marriage and does not condone divorce. The men in our society have learned to appreciate the social views concerning marriage. In addition, our men are willing to make marriages possible. In addition, the cost of marrying a woman is too high to consider divorce. Although many people may consider our society highly

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Altruism in Society Campaign Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Altruism in Society Campaign - Essay Example Man has become selfish along with the developments in the society. Putting first the interest of others above your own ("Altruism," para 1) is an ethical system August Compte, a French philosopher, had proposed ("What is Altruism," para 2). When the society acknowledges the importance of altruism, they will be motivated to develop cooperation rather than conflict. Harmony among nations will be attained and peace will be a reality ("What is Altruism," para 3) In a social campaign against homelessness, one can become an altruist who can be happy when we see others live in a place they can call their home. We are well aware that most of our homeless neighbors are those who were brought up in an environment where people are non-educated - who had given up on their dreams. Their achievement has been to create a boundary within themselves limiting their abilities and skills to achieve more than what they have. Most of the homeless people in the society have created a border between what they thought they can achieve and what they thought they cannot. They have neglected the value of faith and hard work as an instrument towards success. Adapting a homeless family in my own home would be an appropriate strategy for this campaign. This single family can set forth a change among other homeless families after allowing them to live in my house. By welcoming a homeless family in my home may create an impressi